<cfset dataArray = [ {name: "John", age: 25}, {name: "Jane", age: 30}, {name: "Mike", age: 35} ]> <cfloop array="#dataArray#" index="item"> <cfquery datasource="your_datasource"> INSERT INTO your_table (name, age) VALUES ('#item.name#', #item.age#) </cfquery>...
INSERT INTO employee_activity (employee_id, url, access_time, duration) VALUES ( <cfqueryparam value="#form.employee_id#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">, <cfqueryparam value="#form.url#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">, <cfqueryparam value="#form.access_time#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timesta...
使用ColdFusion (Lucee4.5),我需要将包含毫秒的日期时间值插入到我的MSSQL数据库中。我正在创建一个UTC日期时间值,如下所示:nowODBC = createODBCDateTime(nowUTC);然后使用以下SQL代码插入: insert into tbl (theTime) value 浏览4提问于2015-10-26得票数 4 回答已采纳 1回答 从服务器获得哪种日期时间格式并...
Hi, I need to insert to the DB from CF query recordset. The simplest way to do is using cfloop on the query and the INSERT INTO TABLENAME within the loop. It is - 268964
“检查新用户”服务器行为需要先将“插入记录”服务器行为添加到页面。首先,查找包含 SQL SELECT 语句的 cfquery,并按照使用滤镜的记录集中所述对其进行修改。然后,查找包含 SQL INSERT 语句的 cfquery,并按照“插入记录”服务器行为和记录插入表单向导中所述对其进行修改。
INSERT INTO EMP(EMPNO, ENAME) VALUES (4989,'Newman') </cfquery><cfif commitIt EQ "Yes">INSERT ran okay, Commit transaction<cftransaction action="COMMIT" /></cfif><!--- If the Stored Procedure FAILS, Catch it here ---><!--- and tell them what went wrong ---><cfcatch type="...
Setting Login Timeout (sec) Query Timeout (seconds) Allowed SQL Suggestion 5 Seconds Not 0 Enable only operations required by the application, eg SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE Additional Info Decrease this value to be less than the Timeout Requests after setting. Specify an upper limit ...
INSERT INTO ERR_LOG (ERR_ID ,ERR_DETAIL ,SECUREUSERID ,UPTIME,ERR_INFO ) VALUES (#NewErrorNumber#,'#left(arguments.exception.message,4000)#',#session.secureUserID# ,sysdate,<cfqueryparam value="#errortext#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob"/>...
See addExpense function in ExpenseManager.cfc to understand how to pass values for parameters in queryExecute function: function addExpense (expVO) { queryExecute( "insert into expense (expense_date,amount,desc,receipt_path) values(?,?,?,?)", [expVO.expenseDate,expVO.amount,expVO....
Yesterday I ran into a very strange bug with ColdFusion 9 and I thought it worth blogging about. I think this probably affects earlier versions of the product, but I haven't tested to confirm. What was happening is whenever I tried executing a specific query, I was seeing the following er...