错误:无法将对象类型[DateTime]强制转换为[Array]类型的值 <cfsetSeniority=ArrayNew(1)><CFLOOPQUERY="all_employees"><cfifisNull(all_employee.TimeInPositionDate) ><cfsetArrayAppend(Seniority,all_employee.hiredate)><cfelse><cfsetArrayAppend(Seniority,all_employee.TimeInPositionDate)></cfif></CFLOOP...
<cfset myString = "aäй漢か"> <cfset theChars = myString.toCharArray()> <cfloop array="#theChars#" index="char"> <cfoutput>#char#</cfoutput> </cfloop> - Alex 1 使用空分隔符与ListToArray(textString, "")一起使用可以实现相同的效果,但是在处理多字节UTF-8字符(例如表情符号)时...
"cf_sql_integer", listToArray("1,2,3,4,5") )/> <cfoutput> <!--- Loop over the query using both pre/post out-of-bounds index values. ---> <cfloop index="row" from="-1" to="#(data.recordCount+2)#" step="1"> <!--- Output the value in this row. Note that this row...
Query Loop in cfscript 代码语言:javascript 复制 < cfscript > // Loop over the records in the query. for (intRow = 1; intRow LTE qPerson.RecordCount; intRow = (intRow + 1)) { // Output the name some values. When doing so, access the // query as if it were a structure of...
Id#" /> </cfquery> <!---// get the column names from the query //---> <cfset columns = getMetaData(data) /> <!---// return the preferences as a struct //---> <cfloop index="column" array="#columns#"> <cfset results[column.Name] = data[column.Name] /> </cfloop> ...
For example, to average the price of many products from a SQL query, it is more efficient to use SQL to get the average than to use a loop in ColdFusion. Two important ColdFusion tools for optimizing your use of databases are the cfstoredproc tag and the c...
<cffunction name="func1" access="remote" output="false" returntype="arrayCFCdefinition[]" httpmethod="get" produces="text/xml"> <cfset arrCFC = arraynew(1)> <cfloop from=1 to=2 index="i"> <cfset obj = createObject("component", "arrayCFCdefinition")> <cfset obj.str = i> <cf...
Now loop over the value and apply to the ruler output array. ---> <cfloop index="intDigit" from="1" to="#intRulerHeight#"> <cfset arrRuler[ intDigit ][ intColumn ] = Mid( strValue, intDigit, 1 ) /> </cfloop> </cfif> </cfloop> <!--- ASSERT: At this point, the ent...
//loop over and set values to stDsn.scope for( key in stDriver ) { arguments.scope[key] = stDriver[key]; } } </cfscript> <cfreturn arguments.scope> </cffunction> <!--- /** * set the dsn defaults to the arguments scope that is passed in * * @param - scope any st...
--- Get expense records from the table ---> <cfquery datasource="#variables.dsn#" name="expenses"> select * from expense order by expense_date desc </cfquery><!--- Loop over expenses query object and display ---> <cfloop query="rs"> <cfset var tmpDate = new ...