codon usage bias correlates with thegene expression level(Sharp et al., 1988) as a consequence of selection fortranslational efficiencywhere optimal codons are selected (Sharp & Li, 1986). However, there are additional factors that might influence codon usage such as gene length (Moriyama & Powel...
We found that the most common codons in reptile mitochondrion are CTA (L), ATA (M) and ACA (T), which relates with have been found in birds, meaning that these patterns are shared across sauropsid mitogenomes. Codon usage bias clustering and effective codon number analyses revelated ...
Synonymous codons translate into chemically identical amino acids. Once considered inconsequential to the formation of the protein product, there is evidence to suggest that codon usage affects co-translational protein folding and the final structure of
While the influence of translation kinetics, originating from codon usage bias, on cellular processes such as chaperone interactions or cotranslational folding became apparent, new algorithms substituting native codons with synonymous ones while mimicking the original host’s pattern of codon frequency, i....
Codon usage bias has been known to mirror tRNA abundance in the early studies using Bacillus subtilis and Caenorhabditis elegans genes (Shields and Sharp, 1987; Stenico et al., 1994). In prokaryotes, such as thermophilic bacteria, Figure 1. Principal component analysis of the % GC contents on...
[4,5], particularly in discussions of codon usage bias [6–8]. Although we are reluctant to depart from established terminology, we do so to avoid an inconsistency with the meaning of 'efficiency' as it is used in many other areas of science and in common parlance. In the physical ...
to those fromG. vulgaris. Genes for ribosomal proteins are highly expressed and typically exhibit a strong codon usage bias facilitating efficient synthesis of ribosomal proteins [29]. The low abundance of the UAG codon in ribosomal protein genes in the rhizarian exLh thus suggests that this ...
The letters are grouped into three-letter "words" known as codons, meaning that there are 64 of them. 这些字母可三个一组地组成“单词”,称为基码(codon),这样的基码总共有64个。 The analysis of DNA composition and codon usage reveals many factors that influence the evolution of genes and ...
5)synonymous codon usage bias同义密码子使用偏性 6)synonymous codon repeat sequences同义密码子重复序列 1.In the first part, based on the synonymous codon repeat sequences of E.本论文共分三部分: 第一部分通过对大肠杆菌编码序列中同义密码子重复序列的研究,分析了同义密码子重复序列与全部编码序列中密码...
This phenomenon can be seen in most genes and organisms, and it is called codon usage bias (CUB). The composition of codons in the coding region can be affected by mutations, selection [1], and genetic drift [2–4]. Specifically, the selection can be related to frameshifting and various...