英语解释 codon usage codon usage是什么意思、codon usage怎么读 codon usage汉语翻译 【化】 密码子选择
codon 密码子; 码字 usage n. 1.[C,U](词语的)用法,惯用法 2.[U]使用,利用,利用率 high usage 利用率高 ill usage n. 虐待, 苛刻 最新单词 electron probe microanalyser的中文释义 电子探针微区分析仪 electron probe怎么翻译及发音 电子探针,电子微探针 electron power tube是什么意思及反义词 ...
密码子使用频率计算工具用于统计一条或多条DNA中每一种密码子的使用次数和使用频率。因为此工具会比较同义密码子的使用频率,所以您可以用它来评估特定同义密码子的组成是否与特定物种相符。 直接输入序列或者输入FASTA格式序列,长度限定在500000以内 使用此工具之前,请详细了解浏览器兼容性要求. ...
(seeGENETIC CODEand there are marked preferences for the use of the alternative codons amongst different species. For example, in bacteria CCG is the preferred codon for the amino acid proline, rather than CCU,CCCor CCA. Codon usage can affect the efficiency of translation, particularly when ...
2) codon usage 密码子使用 1. Coronaviruses phylogeny analysis based on the codon usage rates; 基于密码子使用模式的冠状病毒亲缘关系分析 2. Here the codon usage of vaccinia virus was analyzed. 密码子使用的差别是普遍存在的现象 ,每一个密码子被某些生物偏爱 ,而在另一些生物中则很少使用。 3....
dispar. Codon usage was biased in accordance with the A + U preference in the third position in E. histolytica and E. dispar. However, no apparent difference in the codon usage was found between E. histolytica and E. dispar. The codon usage in E. invadens was found less biased; the ...
3.3.4 Codon usage Codon usage refers to the frequency of use of alternate, equivalent, codons for specific amino acids. The ratio of codons used for a given amino acid differs between organisms and is correlated to the levels of tRNAs available for that amino acid [180]. Optimizing codon us...
Codon Usage CalculatorPlease Paste the DNA Sequence: » Mole, Moles to Grams Calculator » Volume Unit Convert » Length and Distance » Number » Concentration Molar » Concentration Percentage » Concentration Solution » Data Storage » Weight and Mass » Compound Search » G-...
From a point of view of theneutral theory of molecular evolution(Kimura, 1968, 1977), synonymous codons should evolve neutrally since the protein primary sequence is not changed. Therefore,codon usagebias was initially interpreted as evidence of differential selection between alternative synonymous codon...
密码子利用率,既密码子偏爱性,不同的生物因基因组不同所以编码的蛋白质不同,导致对间并密码子具有选择性 密码