E/jswrapper: [ERROR] Failed to invoke require, location: D:/1_work/1_blm/blm/build/jsb-default/frameworks/cocos2d-x/cocos/scripting/js-bindings/manual/jsb_global.cpp:236 E/jswrapper: ERROR: Uncaught Error: Cannot find module ‘async’, location: src/project.dev.js:0:0 ** STACK:** *...
按照3.5的教程制作插件,默认的情况下每次打开项目都会报错 fs-extra是文件系统扩展,用于插件的弹窗界面index.ts中。 查看报错信息后,发现是cocos的模板在报错。进入C盘用户 .CocosCreator/extensions/cocos-build-template目录。 在这个文件目录下空白处按Shift+右键,选择在此处打开Powershell窗口 输入npm install fs-extra...
0); throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + i + "'") } i = u } var f = r[i] = { exports: {} }; e[i][0].call(f.exports, function(t) { return n(e[i][1][t] || t) }, f, f.exports, t, e, r, o) } return r[i].exports } for (var c = "function" ...
在Eclipse下编译cocos2dx项目,报错如下: Android NDK: jni/Android.mk: Cannot find module with tag 'CocosDenshion/android' in import path Android NDK: Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ? Android NDK: The following directories were searched: 请注意Android.mk文件中: $(...
Android NDK: jni/Android.mk: Cannot find module with tag 'CocosDenshion/android' in import path Android NDK: Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ? Android NDK: The following directories were searched: 请注意Android.mk文件中: ...
Explicitly declare the constructor of the TypeScript class to avoid generating useless code. Fixes Fixed the problem that when the Android platform switches to the background or is covered by another Activity and receives a WebSocket message, it causes a JNI error and crashes. Fixed the problem ...
Can not find class '%s' 5400 '%s' is deprecated, use '%s' instead please. 5401 '%s' is deprecated, use '%s' instead please. 5402 cc.js.addon called on non-object: 5403 cc.js.mixin: arguments must be type object: 5404 The base class to extend from must be non-nil 5405 The clas...
The object associated with the component cannot be found after the build, or the warning cannot find the typeThe specified module may be excluded, please check the Module Config in the Main menu -> project -> Project Settings. Load resources from CDNModify libraryPath and rawAssetsBase ...
这里Cocos Creator有深坑,搞了我一天。 Creator会把JS为后缀的文件,定义为ESM,所以如果是引用带JS为后缀的包名,都会报错。 例如这个包,它包名叫big...
name String A name to find the child node.Examplesvar child = node.getChildByName("Test Node"); insertChildInserts a child to the node at a specified index.metadescription Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/utils/base-node.js:508...