H. Liyanage, "Factors affecting CO2 emission from the power sector of selected coun- tries in Asia and the Pacific," Energy Policy, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 2375-2384, 2009.Shrestha RM, Anandarajah G, Liyanage MH. Factors affecting CO2 emission from the power sector of selected countries ...
Spatial analysis of China province-level CO2 emission intensity This study offers a unique contribution to the literature by investigating the influential factors of energy-related, carbon dioxide emission intensity amo... X Zhao,JW Burnett,JJ Fletcher - 《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》 被...
This paper summarises the results of several research groups participating in the research programme "Greenhouse Impacts of the use of Peat and Peatlands in Finland",and presents emission factors for peat-atmosphere fluxes of CO2,CH4,and N2O,filling gaps in knowledge concerning the afforestation of...
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8.Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Boilers and Industrial Processes. Evaluation and Update of Emission Factors for the Finnish National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research note[R].Tsupari, E.2005 机译:锅炉和工业过程中的非CO2温室气体排放。芬兰国家温室气体清单研究报告的排放因子评估和更新...
This study employs "apparent energy consumption" approach and updated emissions factors to re-calculate Chinese provincial CO2emissions during 2000–2012 to reduce the uncertainty in Chinese CO2emission estimates for the first time. The study presents the changing emission-socioeconomic features of each ...
the IPCC default emission factors are approximately 40% higher than China’s survey value. In our datasets, we used the updated emission factors, seeTable 1. As our previous study only reported the emission factors of three primary fossil fuels (i.e., raw coal, crude oil, and natural gas...
With this prospect, CO2 utilization in the short term should allow parallel production routes based on BPT, driven by emission-capture-utilization synergies. In this sense, production and conversion of synthesis gas (SYNGAS) exhibits the highest potential for medium term of commercial succes...
The CO2 emission contribution effects of six influencing factors of the transportation sector from 2001 to 2014 (ten thousand tons). Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Energy Structure 180.16 89.34 434.81 819.65 730.09 878.78 1269.46 1384.84 1598.25 2019.47 ...