CO2 emission factors varied significantly with the quality of fuels and operation conditions. The mean CO2 emission factor for a gas turbine was calculated as 114.47 lb/MMBtu (pound per million British thermal unit). This emission factor has good agreement with EPA and CAPP data. However, for ...
For fuel analysis, the CO2 emission factor for Korean coal briquettes is 95,558 CO2 Kg/TJ. It is lower than the local anthracite CO2 emission factor, 111,100 CO2 Kg/TJ and the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, 87,399 CO2 Kg/TJ by about 13.99 and 2.79%, respectively. 展开 ...
DesignInitiativeatCarnegieMellonUniversity,andthecorrectedCO2emissionsfactorfor exportstotheUS,theyfoundthattheCO2emissionsreasedby3%iftheimportedgoodsfrom wereproducedintheUS;moreover,emittedandupto14%CO2asitexportedtothe US.BasedonShuiandHarriss[11],theembodiedcarbonemissionshina-UKtradewas examinedbyLiandHe...
Blue Sky Defense for Carbon Emission Trading Policies: A Perspective on the Spatial Spillover Effects of Total Factor Carbon Efficiency In the pursuit of China's environmental targets to achieve a carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, the carbon emission trading scheme (CETs) h......
《关于企业报告温室气体排放因子指南》(DefraDECC,2012)2012Guidelines-to-Defra DECC-GHG-emission-factor-methodology-paper-120706.pdf85页 内容提供方:dakemark 大小:1.35 MB 字数:约29.77万字 发布时间:2022-05-03发布于中国 浏览人气:924 下载次数:仅上传者可见 ...
comparison, we assume that the emission factor estimates from source categories with the same letter rating have enough robustness and consistency that we can quantify the uncertainty of these common emission factors based on the qualitative indication of data quality which is known for almost all ...
biogenicco2factorunit The unit for the biogenic CO₂ factor. Sustainability/SustainabilityShared/EmissionFactor ch4 The amount of the CH₄ factor. Sustainability/SustainabilityShared/EmissionFactor ch4unit The unit for the CH₄ factor. Sustainability/SustainabilityShared/EmissionFac...
Calculation of Adjusted Electricity Generation Emission factor (kgCO2e/kWh) Where, E1 = Emission from fossil fuels used for electricity generation (kgCO2e) E2 = Emission from electricity imported from other states (kgCO2e) E3 = Emission from electricity exported to other states (kgCO2e) ...
We selected two typical NSP clinker production lines form western China and found that the CO2 emissions factor can be reduced by using acetylene sludge, steel slag and pyrite cinder as alternative raw material, because these materials provide CaO, the basic ingredients necessary for production, and...