23. `fc`: Compares two files or sets of files. 24. `help`: Displays help information for commands. 25. `exit`: Exits the Command Prompt.
Win 官网命令行链接: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/windows-commands 先分享点儿常用的命令行操作: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 切换到别的盘(例如D盘):--- d: 切换到C盘:--- c: 查看当前目录文件:--- dir (类似于linux下的ls命令,如果...
diskpart # Displays or configures Disk Partition properties. doskey # Edits command lines, recalls Windows commands, and creates macros. driverquery # Displays current device driver status and properties. echo # Displays messages, or turns command echoing on or off. endlocal # Ends localization of ...
1、calc:启动计算器 2、appwiz.cpl:程序和功能 3、certmgr.msc:证书管理实用程序 4、charmap:启动字符映射表 5、chkdsk.exe:Chkdsk磁盘检查(管理员身份运行命令提示符) 6、cleanmgr: 打开磁盘清理工具 7、cliconfg:SQL SERVER 客户端网络实用工具 8、cmstp:连接管理器配置文件安装程序 9、cmd.exe:CMD命令提示符 ...
route软件在 dos或者是os/2系统rsh.exe runs commands on remote hosts running the rsh service 在运行 rsh 服务的远程计算机上运行命令rsm.exe mounts and configures remote system media 配置远程系统媒体rsnotify.exe remote storage notification recall 远程存储通知回显rsvp.exe resource reservation protocol 源...
Useful asmcmd commands This article contains the list of useful asmcmd commands which will come handy in your day to day operations. 1. List all diskgroups: ASMCMD>lsdg-- Include dismounted diskgroups: ASMCMD>lsdg --discovery-- List diskgroups across all nodes of cluster:...
cmd命令大全 开始→运行→CMD→键入以下命令即可: gpedit.msc---组策略 sndrec32---录音机 Nslookup---IP地址侦测器 explorer---打开资源管理器 logoff---注销命令 tsshutdn---60秒倒计时关机命令 lusrmgr.msc---本机用户和组 services.msc—本地服务设置 oobe/msoobe /a---检查XP是否激活 notepad---打开记...
reset.exe> reset an active section® 置活动部分rexec.exe> runs commands on remote hosts running the rexec serviced运行 rexec 月艮务的远程计算机上运行命令。rexec命令在 33、执行指定命令前,验证远程计算机上的用户名,只有安装了 tcp/ip协议后才 可以使用该命令。risetup.exe> starts the remote ...
To use multiple commands for<string>, separate them by the command separator&&. For example: &&&& If the directory path, files, or any information you supply contains spaces, you must use double quotation marks (") around the text, such as"Computer Name". For example: mkdir Test&&mkdir ...
You use SQLCMD scripts when you have to process Windows System commands and Transact-SQL statements in the same script. Learn how to write and edit SQLCMD scripts using the Database Engine Query Editor.