-lc,--listCommands <cmdGroupName> List all commands for a command group -lcg,--listCommandGroups List all command groups -lpc,--listPrivateCommands List all private commands. -prot,--protocol <protocol> Protocol. Examples: SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, TLSv1.2. -pwd,--password <pas...
MAINTAINER docker_user docker_user@email.com # Commands to update the image RUN echo"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx RUN echo"\ndaemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # Commands when...
Command Prompt Commands List Below is a complete list of Command Prompt commands, often called CMD commands (and sometimes incorrectly as Command Prompt codes), available from the Command Prompt in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. How to Open Comman...
值得一提的是,Windows不像Linux 那样可以使非常自如的使用命令行,对比使用之后,就会发现Windows的命令行有点不人性化,用起来很不方便,但是有时候我们又不得不去使用cmd命令,为了方便大家学习和使用,我找来了较全的cmd命令集合,供大家学习和使用。因为有时候在网上找的命令不符合我们的使用目的。甚至还有不对的命令。
热度: WINDOWS中CMD命令大全(TheCMDcommandinWINDOWSisfull) Acollectionofcommandsthatbegin/run/enter Winver---checktheWindowsversion Wmimgmt.msc---opensthewindowsmanagementarchitecture (WMI) Wupdmgr---windowsupdateprogram Wscript---windowsscripthostsettings Write---tablet Winmsd---...
To use multiple commands for<string>, separate them by the command separator&&. For example: &&&& If the directory path, files, or any information you supply contains spaces, you must use double quotation marks (") around the text, such as"Computer Name". For example: mkdir Test&&mkdir ...
linux shell bash cli learning unix list awesome terminal tools command-line cheatsheet awesome-list cmd ultimate cmdline linux-commands Updated Sep 11, 2024 version-fox / vfox Star 3.1k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A cross-platform and extendable version manager with support for Java...
list is generated. The only difference between the key combinations CTRL+D and CTRL+F is that CTRL+D only matches directory names and CTRL+F matches both file and directory names. If you use file and directory name completion on any of the built-in directory commands (that is,CD,MD, or...
/** 2. Write our commands into the queue* Dependency ordering from the cmpxchg() loop above.* 将list cmds中的数据遍历,写入硬件地址cmd list中,要写入的起始地址,根据预分配的llq.prod获取*/arm_smmu_cmdq_write_entries(cmdq,cmds,llq.prod,n);if(sync){prod=queue_inc_prod_n(&llq,n);arm_...
list is generated. The only difference between the key combinations CTRL+D and CTRL+F is that CTRL+D only matches directory names and CTRL+F matches both file and directory names. If you use file and directory name completion on any of the built-in directory commands (that is,CD,MD, or...