help.exe > displays help for windows 2000 commands 显示帮助 hostname.exe > display hostname for machine. 显示机器的hostname ie4uinit.exe > ie5 user install tool ie5用户安装工具 ieshwiz.exe > customize folder wizard 自定义文件夹向导 iexpress.exe > create and setup packages for install 穿件...
completions = ['server', 'trader', 'old_account', 'new_account', 'run'] # 补全参数 return [i for i in completions if i.startswith(text)] def do_exit(self, line): print("Exit Program!") # sys.exit()不需要自己退出的,会有问题 return True def help_exit(self): print(u"退出交互...
For Shutdown:shutdown -s For Restarting:shutdown -r For Logoff:shutdown -l #12 Netstat CMD Command 2025 Netstat is another of the best CMD commands. It is an important tool when you want to know who is establishing a connection with your computer. The output of this command provides you...
bynote Module to Create a note with a user-specified format for use with the by option bys Module to automatically sort on the bylist (version 5) bystore Module to repeat estimation commands and store estimates byvar Module to repeat a command by variable cal Module to generate calendar cal...
* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2019 Dec 11 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar Automatic commands *autocommand* *autocommands* For a basic explanation, see section |40.3| in the user manual. 1. Introduction |autocmd-intro| 2. Defining ...
Now that Command Prompt is up and running, it’s time to have some fun. We’re going to start with a couple of basic commands and then move on to the more advanced stuff. Basic Windows CMD Commands Ver –displays operating system version on the screen (e.g., Microsoft Windows [Versi...
Wait for a while, and you can see the detailed speed data of your disk. The steps of using CMD to check SSD speed are simple and fast. But if you are not familiar with the computer and have several drives, you may likely input the wrong commands, and the result can't be exported....
We'll start with the basics, explaining whatfirewalldis, how to install it, and which Linux distributions you can find it on. Next, I will walk you through firewalld-cmd commands for basic configuration, managing security zones, and allowing essential network traffic. ...
ClipCMD is an app that allows you to create commands and run them by copying them to the clipboard.You can write a command anywhere, copy it to your clipboard, and it will be automatically replaced by the output of the specified command script.ClipCMD uses PowerShell as the scripting ...
* For Vim version 5.6. Last change: 1999 Dec 07 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar Automatic commands *autocommand* 1. Introduction |autocmd-intro| 2. Defining autocommands |autocmd-define| 3. Removing autocommands |autocmd-remove| 4. Listing autocommands |...