(2) 将log.txt打开看到报错信息,如下: F/libc (17481): Fatal signal11 (SIGSEGV), code1, fault addr0x0 in tid17481 (dekong.ndkdemo1)I/DEBUG (67): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***I/DEBUG (67): Build fingerprint:'generic/vbo...
StaticBubble.cpp #include <iostream>usingnamespacestd;voidbubbleSort(intarray[],intnum){for(inti =0; i < num; i++){for(intj =0; j < num - i -1; j++){if(array[j] >array[j +1]){inttemp =array[j];array[j] =array[j +1];array[j +1] = temp; } } } } testBubble.cp...
I/DEBUG ( 67): backtrace: I/DEBUG ( 67):#00 pc 00000a06 /data/app/com.codekong.ndkdemo1-2/lib/x86/libHelloNDK.so (Java_com_codekong_ndkdemo1_MainActivity_updateFile+150)I/DEBUG ( 67):#01 pc 0026e27b /data/dalvik-cache/x86/data@app@com.codekong.ndkdemo1-2@base.apk@classes....
I am struggling in converting a string type to integer in Python. What I am trying to do is read a specific column from a CSV file and pass it as an integer. Here is my code: When I run this, I get th... Loaded thumbnails not rotated even if large image is ...
MakeTable.c文件主要定义一个数组,保存一组sqrt(i)的值,其内容如下: // A simple program that builds a sqrt table#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<math.h>intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){inti;doubleresult;// make sure we have enough argumentsif(argc<2){return1;}// open the outpu...
I'm using this documentation to try and receive bounce information from the SendGrid email activity API: https://sendgrid.com/docs/for-developers/sending-email/getting-started-email-activity-api/#filt... Ruby error on non-ruby site A friends of mine have a shared hosting with many sites ho...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)# Creates and names a library, sets it as either STATIC # or SHARED, and provides the relative paths to its source code.# You can define multiple libraries, and CMake builds them for you.# Gradle automatically packages shared libraries with your APK.a...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.10)add_executable(program test.cpp)target_include_directories(program PUBLIC ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/python3.6m)target_compile_options(program PUBLIC"-lpython3.6m")message(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/python3.6m) Thanks to Fridrich, I modified the CMakeLists.txt file, if yo...
I've questions regarding how are we going to maintain these. I have a feeling that without a need, these automatic dependency management will get out of sync with what's available and we won't have the main/brain power to maintain these. Contributor Author hks2002 Mar 14, 2024 • edite...