I/DEBUG ( 67): backtrace: I/DEBUG ( 67):#00 pc 00000a06 /data/app/com.codekong.ndkdemo1-2/lib/x86/libHelloNDK.so (Java_com_codekong_ndkdemo1_MainActivity_updateFile+150)I/DEBUG ( 67):#01 pc 0026e27b /data/dalvik-cache/x86/data@app@com.codekong.ndkdemo1-2@base.apk@classes....
StaticBubble.cpp #include <iostream>usingnamespacestd;voidbubbleSort(intarray[],intnum){for(inti =0; i < num; i++){for(intj =0; j < num - i -1; j++){if(array[j] >array[j +1]){inttemp =array[j];array[j] =array[j +1];array[j +1] = temp; } } } } testBubble.cp...
#include"mysqrt.h"#include"Table.h"doublemysqrt(doubleinput){#ifdefined (HAVE_LOG) && defined (HAVE_EXP)return=exp(log(x)*0.5);#elseif(input<10)returnsqrtTable[(int)input];elsereturn0;#endif} MakeTable.c文件主要定义一个数组,保存一组sqrt(i)的值,其内容如下: // A simple program that...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) project(ncmdump LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0077 NEW) set(WITH_ZLIB OFF) set(BUILD_TESTING OFF) add_subdirectory(taglib) FILE(GLOB HEADERS ./*.h) FILE(GLOB SOURCES ./...
dekong.ndkdemo1>>> com.codekong.ndkdemo1<<: Unableto open symbol file app/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/x86/. Error (22): Invalid argumentStack frame I/DEBUG (67):#03 pc a4016838: Unableto open symbol file app/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/x86/. Error (22): Invalid arg...
论坛首页 / 昇腾 / Atlas 200I DK A2 / 运行样例报错CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (find_package):...OpenCVConfig.cmake opencv-config.cmake...最早发布 只看楼主 显示10 1 Aurora 帖子 5 回复 10 运行样例报错CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (find_package):...OpenCVConfig.cmake...
I have a dataframe df like When I filter the datsframe to make operation like len and sum everything works correctly, like here However when I invoke the isin function inside a loop it doesn't work co...How read auto start permission for my app in MIUI phone I am trying to get(pr...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.10)add_executable(program test.cpp)target_include_directories(program PUBLIC ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/python3.6m)target_compile_options(program PUBLIC"-lpython3.6m")message(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/python3.6m) Thanks to Fridrich, I modified the CMakeLists.txt file, if yo...
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