如果它是ON,我们使用find_package来定位 MPI 环境: option(USE_MPI "Use MPI parallelization" ON)if(USE_MPI)find_package(MPI REQUIRED)endif() 然后,我们定义可执行目标,并根据条件设置相应的库依赖项(MPI::MPI_CXX)和预处理器定义(HAVE_MPI),我们将在稍后解释: add_executable(example example.cpp)target_...
option(USE_MPI "Use MPI parallelization" ON)if(USE_MPI) find_package(MPI REQUIRED)endif() 然后定义可执行目标,并有条件地设置相应的库依赖项(MPI::MPI_CXX)和预处理器定义(HAVE_MPI),稍后将对此进行解释: 123456789 add_executable(example example.cpp)target_link_libraries(example PUBLIC $<$<BOOL:$...
[if not already present] 12, Generating Tesla code 15, #pragma acc loop seq 12, Generating implicit copyin(a[:]) [if not already present] 15, Complex loop carried dependence of prevents parallelization Loop carried dependence of -> prevents parallelization Loop carried backward dependence of -...
option(USE_OPENMP "Use OpenMP for parallelization" ON) 上述代码定义了一个名为USE_OPENMP的变量,用于控制是否使用OpenMP进行并行化。初始值为ON,表示默认开启。 2.3 使用cache命令 cache命令用于定义一个缓存变量,该变量可以由用户在构建过程中进行配置。语法如下: set(<variable> <value> CACHE <type> "help ...
Traits/ParallelizationTrait.swift Traits/SPIAwareTrait.swift Traits/Tags/Tag.Color.swift Traits/Tags/Tag.Color+Loading.swift Traits/Tags/Tag.List.swift Traits/Tags/Tag.swift Traits/Tags/Tag+Macro.swift Traits/Tags/Tag+Predefined.swift Traits/TimeLimitTrait.swift Traits/Trait.swift) target_link_librar...
SetParallelizationLibrary.cmake This file takes care of locating OpenMP or MPI as well as issues with switching between the two. SetUpLAPACK.cmake This file takes care of some oddities with CMake related to setting up LAPACK, such as the fact that the LAPACK variables are not saved to the...
让用户、开发者和持续集成服务轻松运行测试套件。在使用 Unix Makefiles 时,应该简单到只需输入make test。 通过最小化总测试时间来高效运行测试,以最大化测试经常运行的概率——理想情况下,每次代码更改后都进行测试。 创建一个简单的单元测试 本示例的代码可在github.com/dev-cafe/cmake-cookbook/tree/v1.0/chap...
your solution (MSVC) or target in your project (Xcode). This is the layer at which dependency analysis is performed and build parallelization is implemented, so having more projects causes tremendous slowdown in loading projects/solutions and generating information for intellisense/code ...
Loop carried dependence of -> prevents parallelization Loop carried backward dependence of -> prevents vectorization [100%] Linking CXX executable test [100%] Built target test ll 运行: mpirun -np 4 ./test 即: eric@ubuntu20:~/work/cmake_lib_work/cmake_cuda_openacc_openmp_mpi/build$ mpi...
Cross-compiling a Windows binary with OpenMP parallelization Getting ready How to do it How it works There is more Testing Dashboards Introduction Setting up a CDash dashboard Deploying tests to the CDash dashboard Getting ready How to do it How it works There is more See also Reporting tes...