因此我们抛弃cmake --build -j的用法,转而寻求让 msbuild 并行编译同一个 project 中的多个源文件的方法。 2. 在 cmakelists.txt硬编码 在CMake开启MSVC的并行编译这篇文章中给出了 CMakeLists.txt 中的写法,指定了 /MP 参数: add_compile_options($<$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:MSVC>:/Gm->)#高版本已被废弃...
cmake --build build -j8 # (3) cmake --build build --parallel 4 显示执行细节 我们可能希望显示 CMake 在编译时内部执行的具体指令,有以下几种方法可以实现(虽然变量名含有 MAKEFILE,但是同样支持 MSVC) 在生成构建系统时定义CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE变量为真(直接在 CMakeLists 中设置也一样) 在编译时...
Ninja: build server fixes Ninja: build with old msvc versions Ninja: msvc6 for-scoping Ninja: maybe this fixes the bcc32 build remove warning about unused parameter Ninja: build server fixes Ninja: try work around for bcc32 bug Ninja: disable cldeps for bcc32, it’s too old, and ninja ...
#在源码目录用 -B 直接创建 build 目录并生成 build/Makefile cmake -B build #等于cmake --build build ---parallel 4 cmake --build build -j4 #sudo cmake --build build --target install cmake -B build 免去了先创建 build 目录再切换进去再指定源码目录的麻烦。 cmake --build build 统一了不...
std::vector<std::vector<double>>C(N, std::vector<double>(N,0));// 使用随机数填充矩阵 A 和 B#pragmaomp parallel forfor(inti =0; i < N; ++i) {for(intj =0; j < N; ++j) { A[i][j] =rand() /100.0; B[i][j] =rand() /100.0; ...
For example, the default setting for build processes running in parallel is -- -j max(cpucount * 0.8, cpucount - 2) for make and Ninja, while for Microsoft Visual C++ this option is not set and the field is empty. Environment variables You can pass additional environment variables to...
cmake --build [<options>] [-- <build-tool-options>] 1. cmake --build 为上述生成了构建文件的目录。生成器对应的构建工具来构建项目。 cmake --build . 1. 常用选项 -j [<jobs>], --parallel [<jobs>]:指定构建时的线程数,可以开启多线程构建提升速度 cmake --build . -j 4 cmake --...
You can usemacrosandpath variablesin this field. For example, you can use the$FilePrompt$macro to prompt you for a file every time you launch this run configuration. Buildis the default pre-launch step for CMake applications. If you add other tasks, they will performed in the order they...
we updated the CMake build system in VTK. We based theinfrastructure onModern CMakeandCMake 3.3, in particular. This version of CMake is easily available from most Linux distributions; it adheres tousage requirements;and it provides C++11 detection for major vendors such as GCC, MSVC, Clang...