在5分钟掌握cmake(16): 让MSBbuild在单个project内并行编译一文中中我们提到, 可以在cmake --build时传入-- /p:CL_MP=true /p:CL_MPCount=12参数,从而让 cl.exe 使用12个并行进程。 创建构建脚本build/vs2022-x64-parallel.cmd: @echo off set BUILD_DIR=vs2022-x64-parallel cmake ^ -S .. ^ -...
因此我们抛弃cmake --build -j的用法,转而寻求让 msbuild 并行编译同一个 project 中的多个源文件的方法。 2. 在 cmakelists.txt 硬编码 在CMake开启MSVC的并行编译这篇文章中给出了 CMakeLists.txt 中的写法,指定了 /MP 参数: add_compile_options($<$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:MSVC>:/Gm->)#高版本已被废...
Call"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\mpi\Latest\env\vars.bat":: 进入构建目录cdBuild :: 构建,项目文件在当前目录 cmake --build . pause 运行脚本 Run_App.bat @ECHO OFF :: 加载ONEAPI环境,使得引用库在运行环境可见;将加载过程的输出重定向隐藏 Call"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\set...
CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVELcan be used to introduce parallelism to build systems (such as make) which do not default to parallel builds. This option is irrelevant when using Ninja. When it succeeds, output can be found inout/zig-<triple>-<cpu>/. Windows Build Instructions Bootstrapping on W...
add_library()默认定义的是static库,可以使用BUILD_SHARED_LIBS变量来改变默认行为。 target_link_libraries() 给二进制添加依赖 构建选项 target_include_directories()生成INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES两个变量。如果只是用于库的实现,那应该用PRIVATE关键字;如果是库的头文件也使用了依赖,应该使用...
对于MSVC,他会在 build 里生成 hellocmake.sln 作为“IDE 眼中的项目” CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR 表示当前源码目录的位置,例如 ~/hellocmake。 CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR 表示当前输出目录的位置,例如 ~/hellocmake/build。 eg:my_course/course/11/02_project/02/CMakeLists.txt (4)PROJECT_x_DIR 和 C...
Allow running multiple instances of this run configuration in parallel. By default, it is disabled, and when you start this configuration while another instance is still running, CLion suggests stopping the running instance and starting another one. This is helpful when a run configuration consumes ...
if(MSVC) option(LLVM_BUILD_LLVM_C_DYLIB "Build LLVM-C.dll (Windows only)" ON) else() option(LLVM_BUILD_LLVM_C_DYLIB "Build libllvm-c re-export library (Darwin only)" OFF) endif() set(LLVM_BUILD_LLVM_DYLIB_default OFF) if(LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB OR (LLVM_BUILD_LLVM_C_DYL...
Next, Figure 1 shows how I invoked the build with the commandmake -j4. This runsmakewith multiple threads so it compiles the C++ and CUDA source files in parallel. For more information on how CMake determines where to find parallelism within a project read “CMake: Building with All Your...