) endif() # Prevent a "command line is too long" failure in Windows. set(CMAKE_NINJA_FORCE_RESPONSE_FILE "ON" CACHE BOOL "Force Ninja to use response files.") add_executable(MultiLineText MACOSX_BUNDLE MultiLineText.cxx ) target_link_libraries(MultiLineText PRIVATE ${VTK_LIBRARIES} ) ...
command(argument1 "argument2" argument3) # comment[[ multiline comment ]] 在括号注释后放置命令是不允许的: [[ bracket]] command() 在删除任何注释、空格和空行之后,我们得到一个命令调用的列表。这创造了一个有趣的视角——CMake 语法真的很简单,但这是一件好事吗?我们是如何处理变量的?或者,我们是如...
command(argument1 "argument2" argument3) # comment[[ multiline comment ]] 在括号注释后放置命令是不允许的: [[ bracket]] command() 在删除任何注释、空格和空行之后,我们得到一个命令调用的列表。这创造了一个有趣的视角——CMake 语法真的很简单,但这是一件好事吗?我们是如何处理变量的?或者,我们是如...
Plugin for (extra) CMake syntax highlight support. - It provides(extends) syntax highlight for: * Known Cmake command name; * Utility Modules command name; * User defined function name reference and definition; * User defined macros name reference and de
# This command uses a multiline string foo(some_arg some_arg " This string is on multiple lines ") # No, I really want this to look ugly # cmake-format: off add_library(a b.cc c.cc d.cc e.cc) # cmake-format: on into this: ...
* Multiline brackets comments; * Consequent single-line comments; * Multiline function's arguments. 192.2.1 - Folding regions for functions, macros, if/for/while blocks. * FixExceptionif space symbol in Path presented. ...
cmakeppcan be used as a platform independent console application. When you startcmakepp.cmakein script mode it parse the passed command line arguments and execute the specifiedcmakeppfunction returning the value in a serialization format. When you installcmakeppit will create an alias forcmake...
Remove CMake multiline block-end command arguments Nils Gladitz (1): ctest_update: Tell svn not to prompt interactively (#13024) Patrick Gansterer (4): VS: Cleanup AddPlatformDefinitions() of Visual Studio generators Add additional architectures to CMakePlatformId.h.in ...
This project uses Apache maven as its build system. To build from a command-line, runmvn -f ./parent/pom.xml verifyin the root directory of the project source files. There is a run configuration for eclipse to invoke mavenbuild cmakeedplus a launch configuration to debug the plugin:Cmak...
string(CONCAT NOTICE ${NOTICE_MULTILINE}) add_custom_command(TARGET tvm_runtime POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E cmake_echo_color --yellow --bold ${NOTICE}) else() add_library(tvm_runtime SHARED $<TARGET_OBJECTS:tvm_runtime_objs> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:tvm_libinfo_objs>) set...