在实际使用中,可能需要根据具体的项目需求进行适当的调整和优化。 2.2 CMake Install的命令行选项(Command Line Options of CMake Install) CMake Install提供了一些命令行选项,以便我们更灵活地控制安装过程。以下是一些常用的命令行选项: 2.2.1 --prefix 或 -P(--prefix or -P) --prefix或-P选项用于指定安装...
Adds definitions to the compiler command line for targets in the current directory and below (whether added before or after this command is invoked). This command can be used to add any flags, but it is intended to add preprocessor definitions (see the add_compile_options() command to add ...
上文中自定义命令add_custom_command里的$<TARGET_FILE:libA>就是经典的使用场景,配置时我们并不确定具体生成的文件路径,可以在执行阶段解析为实际变量,再例如: 代码语言:text 复制 target_compile_options(mylib PUBLIC -fno-exceptions PRIVATE $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:C>:${__CFLAGS_C}> # C编译选项 PRIVATE ...
where <cmake> is the location of the cmake(1) command-line tool, and <config> and <target> are the values provided to the CONFIGURATION and TARGET options, if any. The trailing -- -i option is added for Makefile Generators if policy CMP0061 is not set to NEW. When invoked, this ...
[cmake] Not searching for unused variables given on the command line. [cmake] -- Configuring done [cmake] -- Generating done [cmake] -- Build files have been written to: /home/wenxue/c_linux_only/build [wenxue@dad5600 c_linux_only]$ cmake . ...
COMMAND echo ${_command} VERBATIM) (11) add_compile_options 含义:设置编译选项 语法: add_compile_options(<option> ...) 使用样例: add_compile_options(-std=c++11) (12) add_subdirectory 含义:将子目录添加到构建范围 语法: add_subdirectory(source_dir [binary_dir] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]) ...
I have succesfully run the build on the commandline, so the toolchain/requirements for my debian based Linux dev box are in place. I am kind of guessing the correct options for CMake. This is what I am trying to execute (in the repo root) ...
Enable the use of these source groups by enabling Tools > Options > CMake > Enable the use of ignored source groups in CMake Targets View. Troubleshooting CMake cache errors If you need more information about the state of the CMake cache to diagnose a problem, open the Project main menu...
CMake command arguments Corresponds to cmakeCommandArgs. Specifies any more command-line options passed to CMake. Build command arguments Corresponds to buildCommandArgs. Specifies more switches to pass to the underlying build system. For example, passing -v when using the Ninja generator forces Ninja...
ccmake - CMake Curses Dialog Command-Line Reference SYNOPSIS ccmake [<options>] (<path-to-source> | <path-to-existing-build>) DESCRIPTION The "ccmake" executable is the CMake curses interface. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively through this GUI. Brief instructions ...