下是整个问题的解决关键,这里的CUDA_ARCH_BIN*PTX可以填写6.1,这是你显卡的计算能力值,这个可以通过CUDA自带的deviceQuery.exe查。然后是关键点在CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR,我当时显示的是can not found sdk root dir,你要修改成你CUDA安装的SDK目录,比如我装的CUDA8.0下的Samples就是原先的SDK文件夹,只要指定Samples目录...
Describe the error CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR was not found BUILD_GPU BUILD_CUDA and WITH_CUDA are set true with MS 2022 the log i get is too long doesn't fit here With MSVS2019 the log is shorter: 1> CMake generation started for configuration: '...
针对“cmake couldn't find cuda library root”的问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 检查CUDA是否已经正确安装 首先,确保你的系统上已经正确安装了CUDA。你可以通过以下命令来检查CUDA是否安装成功: bash nvcc --version 如果系统返回了CUDA编译器的版本信息,说明CUDA已经安装成功。 2. 确认CMAKE的版本是否...
CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING= //Semi-colon delimit multiple arguments. CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO:STRING= //Propage C/CXX_FLAGS and friends to the host compiler via -Xcompile CUDA_PROPAGATE_HOST_FLAGS:BOOL=ON //Path to a file. CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR:PATH=CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR-NOTFOUND /...
$ CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_CUBLAS=on -DCUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-12.2 -DCUDAToolkit_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda-12.2" FORCE_CMAKE=1 CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-12.2 CUDAToolkit_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda-12.2 pip install llama-cpp-python --no-cache-dir Collecting llama-cpp-python Downloading llama_cpp...
是一个常见的编译错误,通常发生在使用CMake构建项目时,CMake无法找到所需的SDK版本。这可能是由于以下原因导致的: 1. 缺少SDK:CMake需要特定版本的SDK来构建项目,如果您的系统中...
invocations. If one installs ROCm using non-standard methods or layouts and CMake can’t locate this file or detect parts of the SDK, there’s a catch-all, last resort variable consulted locating this file,-DCMAKE_HIP_COMPILER_ROCM_ROOT:PATH=which should be set the root of the ROCm ...
cmake错误:CMakeError:CMakecan not determine linker language for target 解决方案:因为你的library只有头文件,没有cpp文件 在add_library中增加cpp文件 同时建立一个空的cpp文件即可 头文件 代码结构 解决方案 原创 rainbow70626 2023-03-08 18:59:41 ...
-- Use Cuda: NO -- Use OpenCL: YES -- Use custom HAL: NO -- -- OpenCL: -- Version: dynamic -- Include path: /home/pi/opencv-3.1.0/3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2 -- Use AMDFFT: NO -- Use AMDBLAS: NO -- -- Python 2: -- Interpreter: /home/pi/.virtualenv...
(Target_OS STREQUAL Windows) set (CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER "C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.7/bin/nvcc.exe") else() set (CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc) endif() set (CMAKE_CUDA_STANDARD 14) project (sim Fortran C CXX CUDA) find_package(OpenMP ...