cmake may not be built correctly.Missingvariableis:CMAKE_world_COMPILER_ENV_VARCMakeError:ErrorrequiredinternalCMakevariable notset, cmake may not be built correctly.Missingvariableis:CMAKE_world_COMPILERCMakeError:Couldnot find cmake module file:/home/south...
'-DJAS_ENABLE_LIBJPEG=true' '-DJAS_ENABLE_OPENGL=false' '-DJAS_ENABLE_SHARED=true' CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly. Missing variable is: CMAKE_LANGUAGES_COMPILER_ENV_VAR CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable...
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may not be built correctly. Missing variable is: CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT -- Generating done How to fix this bug? Looks like that particular error is coming from the test suite (or maybe example). I turned both off (the...
A variable “set” or “unset” binds in this scope and is visible for the current function and any nested calls within it, but not after the function returns.---from cmake language 举个例子,当在函数内通过set()或unset()将变量”v”与当前函数作用域绑定时,变量”v”的新值仅在函数作用域...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)# 设置 CMake 的最低版本要求 project(MyProject VERSION 1.0)# 设置项目名称和版本 project(CONTROLLER_NAME VERSION 1.0 LANGUAGES CXX)#指明项目使用的编程语言是 C++ SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release")# 设置构建类型 SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "$ENV{CXXFLAGS} -O3 ...
A variable “set” or “unset” binds in this scope and is visible for the current function and any nested calls within it, but not after the function returns.---from cmake language 举个例子,当在函数内通过set()或unset()将变量”v”与当前函数作用域绑定时,变量”v”的新值仅在函数作用域...
Hi, I met a CMake error, “Variable KernelArch is not set” when I tried to build a seL4 project based on the open source code of the UNSW course, Advanced Operating System, aka. AOS. The original version uses odroidc2 as the building platform, and I want to ...
if(<cond1>OR<cond2>) 如果cond1和cond2两个条件中至少有一个为True,返回True,如果两个条件都为False则返回False。 2.1.3 比较 基于数值的比较 if(<variable|string>LESS<variable|string>)if(<variable|string>GREATER<variable|string>)if(<variable|string>EQUAL<variable|string>)if(<variable|string>LESS...
16execute_process(17COMMAND18${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}"-c""import re, numpy; print(re.compile('/*').sub('',numpy.__file__))"19RESULT_VARIABLE _numpy_status20OUTPUT_VARIABLE _numpy_location21ERROR_QUIET22OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE23)2425if(NOT _numpy_status)26set(NumPy ${...