在这里,VARIABLE_NAME是你需要判断的变量名,而STREQUAL则是字符串比较运算符,用于比较变量的值是否为1。 另外,当你编写库的cmake文件时,有时候需要判断某个变量是否在上层cmake中设置,然后根据结果做不同的操作。在这种情况下,你可以使用以下的代码段来进行判断: ```cmake if (NOT DEFINED UTILITY_ROOT) set ...
if(<variable|string> STRLESS <variable|string>) 1. 如果给定的字符串或变量的值在字典上小于右侧的字符串或变量,则为True。 大于 if(<variable|string> STRGREATER <variable|string>) 1. 如果给定的字符串或变量的值在字典上大于右侧的字符串或变量,则为True。 等于 if(<variable|string> STREQUAL <variab...
Each of the Directories in a source tree has its own variable bindings. Before processing the CMakeLists.txt file for a directory, CMake copies all variable bindings currently defined in the parent directory, if any, to initialize the new directory scope. .---from cmake language 目录作用域...
if(<variable|string> LESS <variable|string>) # 大于 if(<variable|string> GREATER <variable|string>) # 等于 if(<variable|string> EQUAL <variable|string>) # 小于或等于 if(<variable|string> LESS_EQUAL <variable|string>) # 大于或等于 if(<variable|string> GREATER_EQUAL <variable|string>) 字...
message(STATUS "RESULT_VARIABLE is: ${_status}") message(STATUS "OUTPUT_VARIABLE is: ${_hello_world}") 现在,我们可以检查配置步骤的输出: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ mkdir -p build $ cd build $ cmake .. -- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python (found version "3.6.5") ...
# S_out_var=kind;inspiration;think;in;surprising;in;defined REGEX REPLACE: 字符串正则替换,将所有输入字符串在匹配之前都连接在一起,然后尽可能匹配<regular_expression>并替换为<replacement_expression>,将结果存储在。 string(REGEX REPLACE <regular_expression> <replacement_expression> [...]) 例如...
if(variable) # If variable is `ON`, `YES`, `TRUE`, `Y`, or non zero number else() # If variable is `0`, `OFF`, `NO`, `FALSE`, `N`, `IGNORE`, `NOTFOUND`, `""`, or ends in `-NOTFOUND` endif() # If variable does not expand to one of the above, CMake will expa...
The usual way to add libraries in CMake projects is to callfind_package(<PackageName>)and to link against libraries defined in a<PackageName>_LIBRARIESvariable. While simple, this may lead to unpredictable builds, as it requires the library to be installed on the system and it is unclear ...
if(DEFINEDENV{CMAKE_FUNC}) message("CMAKE_FUNC_1: $ENV{CMAKE_FUNC}") else() message("NOT DEFINED CMAKE_FUNC_1 VARIABLES") endif() endfunction() # 调用函数 test_env_variable() # 判断CMAKE_FUNC环境变量是否定义 if(DEFINEDENV{CMAKE_FUNC}) ...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) # cmake-format: off set(VERSION 3.4.8 CACHE STRING "version of astyle") # cmake-format: on include(FetchContent) if(DEFINED SKBUILD_NULL_DIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${SKBUILD_NULL_DIR}) endif() FetchContent_Declare( astyle URL "https://gitlab.co...