set(<variable> <value>... [PARENT_SCOPE]) 核心命令: 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 设置指定的C++编译器版本是必须的,如果不设置,或者为OFF,则指定版本不可用时,会使用上一版本。 set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) # 指定为C++11 版本set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) 方案二 该方法直接指定CMAKE...
创建一个环境变量,使用set(ENV{<variable>} <value>) 指令用以声明,使用unset(ENV{<variable>})来清除某一个环境变量,其中ENV表示环境变量标志性前缀,variable指变量名称,value则为变量值,需要注意的是设定或读取环境变量时,都通过ENV前缀来访问环境变量,读取环境变量值时,要在ENV前加$符号;但if判断是否定义时,...
首先说明如何修改或创建一个环境变量,使用set(ENV{<variable>} <value>)指令用以声明,使用unset(ENV{<variable>})来清除某一个环境变量,其中ENV表示环境变量标志性前缀,variable指变量名称,value则为变量值,需要注意的是设定或读取环境变量时,都通过ENV前缀来访问环境变量,读取环境变量值时,要在ENV前加$符号;但if...
If set, CPM will forward all calls to CPMFindPackage as CPMAddPackage. This is useful to create reproducible builds or to determine if the source parameters have all been set correctly. This can also be set as an environmental variable. This can be controlled on a per package basis with ...
定义变量常用的函数是set(KEY VALUE),取消定义变量是unset(KEY)。它们的值始终是string类型的,有些命令可能将字符串解释为其他类型的值。变量名是区分大小写的,可能包含任何文本,但是我们建议只使用字母数字字符加上_和-这样的名称。 变量引用的形式为${variable_name},并在引用的参数或未引用的参数中进行判断。变...
set(<variable> <value> [[CACHE <type> <docstring> [FORCE]] | PARENT_SCOPE]) set(<variable> <value1> ... <valueN>) unset(<variable> [CACHE | PARENT_SCOPE]) unset(ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}) include(<file|module> [OPTIONAL] [RESULT_VARIABLE <VAR>] ...
"name": "VARIABLE", "value": "value" } ] } ] } name: is the configuration name that will show up in the C++ configuration dropdown. This property value can also be used as a macro ${name} to specify other property values e.g. see “buildRoot” definition ...
==if (variable EQUAL number)==:如果variable等于number时为真; ==if (string EQUAL number)==:如果string等于number时为真。 1.20.3 字母表顺序比较 ==if (variable STRLESS string)== ==if (string STRLESS string)== ==if (variable STRGREATER string)== ...
If A is specified, then it will display also advanced variables. If H is speci- fied, it will also display help for each variable. --build Build a CMake-generated project binary tree. This abstracts a native build tool's command-line interface with the following options: = Project bin...
# $2 is the cache entry variable type # $3 is the cache entry variable value append_cache_entry () { CMakeCacheEntries="$CMakeCacheEntries -D $1:$2=$3" } # set defaults builddir=build prefix=/usr/local/snort CMakeCacheEntries="" ...