此时,cloudflare后台的设置已经完成,我们转到flarum的后台,进入Flarum FOF upload 插件 按照下图将ID和密钥填入 在存储空间(Bucket)一栏中填入创建R2存储库时设置的名称 如图中的存储库名称即为dtcommunitydev 按照cloudflare文档的说明,地域(Region)填auto或者us-east-1 在高级S3设置中填写存储库的S3 API地址 你可以前...
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3),是 Amazon 提供的对象存储服务,S3 API 支持使用 RESTful API 直接通过 HTTP 请求访问 Amazon S3,所以在业界使用非常广泛,当然 Cloudflare R2 也提供了对 S3 的支持。 要使用 S3 API,首先需要获取用于身份验证的 AccessKeyId 和 SecretAccessKey。 这个在 Cloudflare R2 哪里获取?
R2 supportsS3 API's Multipart Upload↗with some limitations. Limitations Object part sizes must be at least 5MiB but no larger than 5GiB. All parts except the last one must be the same size. The last part has no minimum size, but must be the same or smaller than the other parts. ...
Upload, store, encode, and deliver live and on-demand video with one API, without configuring or maintaining infrastructure. Images A suite of products tailored to your image-processing needs. More resources
健康检查端点,用于检测应用程序是否正常运行。POST /api/v1/upload用于将图像上传至R2的身份验证端点。/upload端点要求携带一个包含要上传图像的file字段的multipart/form-data请求体。该端点会利用nanoid生成一个唯一密钥,将文件上传至R2存储桶,并返回公共URL供访问。在本地测试实现代码时,可以使用Wrangler启动模拟...
Stream Upload, store, encode, and deliver live and on-demand video with one API, without configuring or maintaining infrastructure. Images A suite of products tailored to your image-processing needs. More resources
Select "Endpoint:" and type<ACCOUNT_ID>.r2.cloudflarestorage.com. (you can find your account ID on the right hand side of yourDashboard) SetRegion:toauto. FillBucket name:with the Bucket Name you picked on Cloudflare. ChangeUpload path:to your preference. ...
In R2 Uploader, we call the Worker URL as the "Endpoint" and the random string as the "API Key". Enter the Endpoint and the API key, ignore the custom domain for now and click "Save to LocalStorage".Now you can upload and manage your files in the R2 bucket!
Upload local file (simple) constupload=awaitbucket.uploadFile('/path/to/file','destination_file_name.ext');console.log(upload);/*{objectKey: 'destination_file_name.ext',uri: 'destination_file_name.ext',publicUrl: 'https://pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.r2.dev/destination_file_name.ext',publ...
export async function multipartUpload(key, file, options) { const headers = options?.headers || {}; headers["content-type"] = file.type; const uploadId = await axios .post(`/api/write/items/${key}?uploads`, "", { headers }) .then((res) => res.data.uploadId); const totalChunks...