However, the standard WebDAV protocol does not support large file (≥128MB) uploads due to the limitation of Cloudflare Workers. You must upload large files through the web interface which supports chunked uploads. Acknowledgments WebDAV related code is based on r2-webdav project by abersheeran.Abo...
- Upload large files - Create folders - Search files - Image/video thumbnails## Usage### InstallationBefore starting, you should make sure that- you have created a [CloudFlare]( account - your payment method is added - R2 service is activated and at least one...
R2 是 Cloudflare 的一套零出口费用的对象存储解决方案,现可供所有客户使用。利用 R2,您将能存储并检索静态资产,无需支付出口费用。R2 旨在存储大量静态资产,包括文档、图像、视频、日志和档案信息。立即开始使用 R2 的 S3 兼容 API 迁移数据。 R2 产品页面 功能9月 2022 在印度、日本和澳大利亚推出区域服务 我们...
修改完成后点击更新即可 此时,cloudflare后台的设置已经完成,我们转到flarum的后台,进入Flarum FOF upload 插件 按照下图将ID和密钥填入 在存储空间(Bucket)一栏中填入创建R2存储库时设置的名称 如图中的存储库名称即为dtcommunitydev 按照cloudflare文档的说明,地域(Region)填auto或者us-east-1 在高级S3设置中填写存储库...
3. Upload your first object Bucket access options Cloudflare R2 Storage allows developers to store large amounts of unstructured data without the costly egress bandwidth fees associated with typical cloud storage services. Before you create your first bucket, you must purchase R2 from the Cloudflare ...
Quoi de neuf chez Cloudflare ? Chez Cloudflare, nous cherchons constamment à améliorer nos produits. Poursuivez votre lecture pour découvrir les dernières mises à jour.Prise en main Offre gratuite Pour les entreprises Comparer les offres Recherche de nom de domaine Bénéficiez d'une ...
This tutorial explains how to create a TypeScript-based Cloudflare Workers project that can securely access files from and upload files to a Cloudflare R2 bucket. Cloudflare R2 allows developers to store large amounts of unstructured data without the cos
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CloudFlare R2 storage manager with Pages and Workers. Free 10 GB storage. Free serverless backend with a limit of 100,000 invocation requests per day. [More about pricing]( ## Features - Drag-and-drop upload - Upload large files - Creat...
- Upload large files - Create folders - Search files - Image/video thumbnails 增加了权限系统,支持多管理员,分别授权目录## Usage cloudflare R2是一个文件储存系统,配合Cloudflare Workers可以实现这样一个网盘系统### Installation [文件库 (](