再创建一个存储桶,取名为temp,将S3_MANUAL_UPLOAD_BUCKET_NAME填写为temp 回到R2的主页,点击右上角的管理R2 API令牌,创建一个允许对象读写的,指定存储桶为images和temp的令牌,将创建后的访问密钥 ID和机密访问密钥填写为S3_ACCESS_ID和S3_ACCESS_TOKEN,并将为 S3 客户端使用管辖权地特定的终结点填写为S3_ENDPOI...
Direct uploads allow users to upload images without API keys. A common use case are web apps, client-side applications, or mobile devices where users upload content directly to Cloudflare Images. This method creates a draft record for a future image. It returns an upload URL and an image ide...
这里简单写下流程:先安装依赖npm install -g wrangler,再登录wrangler login,接着把项目搞到本地来写wrangler init --from-dash image-storage-worker(注意和前面创建 worker 时名字一致),可以额外建立一个 git 仓库存储服务端逻辑代码。 项目到本地后首先编辑 wrangler.toml,加上你的 R2 bucket 和 D1: 1 2 ...
draft: true
健康检查端点,用于检测应用程序是否正常运行。POST /api/v1/upload用于将图像上传至R2的身份验证端点。/upload端点要求携带一个包含要上传图像的file字段的multipart/form-data请求体。该端点会利用nanoid生成一个唯一密钥,将文件上传至R2存储桶,并返回公共URL供访问。在本地测试实现代码时,可以使用Wrangler启动模拟...
Cloudflare R2存储推出有一段时间了,从内测到开放使用,功能一点点完善,现在不但支持浏览器直接在cloudflare的后台拖拽上传,还一点点开始适配亚马逊的S3协议。 年初的时候我全网首发了使用FOF upload插件上传文件至阿里云oss的设置教程 cloudflare的R2存储不同于传统的S3协议,他的灵活性更高,上传和访问独立,一定程度上也...
Stream Upload, store, encode, and deliver live and on-demand video with one API, without configuring or maintaining infrastructure. Images A suite of products tailored to your image-processing needs. More resources
Select "Endpoint:" and type<ACCOUNT_ID>.r2.cloudflarestorage.com. (you can find your account ID on the right hand side of yourDashboard) SetRegion:toauto. FillBucket name:with the Bucket Name you picked on Cloudflare. ChangeUpload path:to your preference. ...
Upload big files, R2 dashboard could only upload files which size is smaller than 300Mb, R2 Uploader can handle the upload for a single file up to 100Gb in theory (huge thanks to @spurin). Image compression, lots of users would just use R2 as a CDN, so we added this function to ...
Upload the image object to bucket constuploadResponse=awaitbucket.put(bucketName:'your-bucket-name',keyName:'img/image.jpg',fileBuffer:buffer,contentType:'image/jpeg');console.log(uploadResponse); Reponse {"data": {"success":true,"statusCode":200,"expire":604800,// in ms default is 7 da...