Hi I am using FAMILY Cyclone V DEVICE 5CSEBA6U23I7 in my design and I an using linuxptp to tune the external PLL, in the first stemp I want to use the fpga_ptp_ref clock from FPGA side, I tried to use 0xFFD08060 regiater to change the source of the ...
[MT8188_INFRA_RST3_PTP_CTRL_RST] = 3 * RST_NR_PER_BANK + 5, }; static const struct mtk_clk_rst_desc infra_ao_rst_desc = { .version = MTK_RST_SET_CLR, .rst_bank_ofs = infra_ao_rst_ofs, .rst_bank_nr = ARRAY_SIZE(infra_ao_rst_ofs), .rst_idx_map = infra_ao_idx_map...
I've yet tried to replace clks190 - "ptp" by "enet_ref" in fec controller description (imx6qdl.dtsi) without success. Thanks, Martin 0 Kudos Reply 04-10-2015 03:41 AM 9,557 Views marcocavallini Contributor V Hi, is it working your i.MX6S kernel 3.10.17 with LAN8720 and...
case IMX8QXP_ENET1_REF_DIV: case IMX8QXP_ENET1_PTP_CLK: resource = SC_R_ENET_1; pm_clk = SC_PM_CLK_PER; break; default: if (clk->id < IMX8QXP_UART0_IPG_CLK || clk->id >= IMX8QXP_CLK_END) { printf("%s(Invalid clk ID #%lu)\n", __func__, clk->id); return -...
I've yet tried to replace clks190 - "ptp" by "enet_ref" in fec controller description (imx6qdl.dtsi) without success. Thanks, Martin 0 Kudos Reply 04-10-2015 03:41 AM 9,165 Views marcocavallini Contributor V Hi, is it working your i.MX6S kernel 3.10.17 with LAN8720 and...
u64 mqnic_ref_clk_cycles_to_ns(struct mqnic_dev *mdev, u64 cycles) { if (!mdev->clk_info_rb || !mdev->ref_clk_nom_per_ns_denom) return 0; return (cycles * (u64)mdev->ref_clk_nom_per_ns_num) / (u64)mdev->ref_clk_nom_per_ns_denom; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(mqnic_ref_clk...
I've yet tried to replace clks190 - "ptp" by "enet_ref" in fec controller description (imx6qdl.dtsi) without success. Thanks, Martin 0 Kudos Reply 04-10-2015 03:41 AM 9,140 Views marcocavallini Contributor V Hi, is it working your i.MX6S kernel 3.10.17 with ...
ptp_classify.h ptp_clock_kernel.h ptp_kvm.h ptp_pch.h ptr_ring.h ptrace.h purgatory.h pvclock_gtod.h pwm.h pwm_backlight.h pxa168_eth.h pxa2xx_ssp.h qcom-geni-se.h qcom_scm.h 396 entries not shown math-emu media memory misc net pcmcia ras rdma scsi soc ...
I've yet tried to replace clks190 - "ptp" by "enet_ref" in fec controller description (imx6qdl.dtsi) without success. Thanks, Martin 0 项奖励 回复 04-10-2015 03:41 AM 9,656 次查看 marcocavallini Contributor V Hi, is it working your i.MX6S kernel 3.10.17 ...
I've yet tried to replace clks190 - "ptp" by "enet_ref" in fec controller description (imx6qdl.dtsi) without success. Thanks, Martin 0 Kudos Reply 04-10-2015 03:41 AM 9,130 Views marcocavallini Contributor V Hi, is it working your i.MX6S kernel 3.10.17 with ...