@@ -66,12 +66,7 @@ static long clk_ref_round_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, unsigned long rate,tmp = tmp * 18 + rate / 2; do_div(tmp, rate); frac = tmp;if (frac < 18) frac = 18;else if (frac > 35) frac = 35; frac = clamp(tmp, 18, 35);tmp...
3.2.1. clk_ref The clk_ref must be a low jitter signal and all clk_ref clocks must be derived from the same source. This source must be split and distributed to all ADCs with the same delay. The following figure shows four ADC waveforms are synchronized when the clk_ref signals of al...
I think of about Clock Ref as the specific pin of the FPGA that can feed the transceiver block. That's clock will be always present and it is from it (routed also to another global pin of the FPGA) that I enter in a PLL that derive 125MHz and 50Mhz. All...
Buy Pilot Pen,Frixion Clkref,Dz,Bk 32520 with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded ™
大家好: IMX9352的芯片如何在linux 6.6.36版本下把eqos网口 百兆情况RMII 怎么配置REF_CLK输出50Mhz? Tags: eqos i.MX93 ref_clk 0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 1 Reply 01-21-2025 07:51 AM 112 Views Bio_TICFSL NXP TechSupport Hello, Please che...
使用DP83848N 的客户询问 RMII 模式的艺术品作业问题。 它 只需要一 个 ref_clk 到 X1。 带宽、 它是否需要 X1路径上的物理延迟 来实现 数据的中心对齐? -。 如果 是、您能否 举个例子? -。 如果没有 、是否有其他方法可以对齐中心? 谢谢、
Linux/AM5749: dwc3 48890000.usb: Failed to get clk 'ref': -2 Oleg Solovev Expert1985points Hello support!! I use custom board based onAM5749. I don't know what is problem ...How to fix it? BR, Oleg 5 年多前 Jonathan Cormier5 年多前 ...
网络参考时钟 网络释义 1. 参考时钟 手机维修必看 - iphone维修技术讨论 -... ... REF 参考REF-CLK参考时钟(主时钟) RESETIN 复位输入 ... www.bufanxiu.com|基于 1 个网页
clk_set_rate,source:3,phy->clks[source]->rate:983040000 //3为BBPLL_REF_CLK 我的分析:从...
ref_clk_n接到了MGTREFCLK1_p。这样会影响PC检测pcie设备么? 目前是大概率检测不到设备。偶尔能够...