CLKSYNC/4/PTPTIMESTAMPUNCHANGE: The timestamp state is abnormal. (State=[State]) Description The timestamp status was abnormal. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning State Indicates the timestamp status. The value is 0. Possible Causes The received timestamp was unchanged. Procedure 1. ...
I tried to use 0xFFD08060 regiater to change the source of the 1588 PTP reference clock to fpga_ptp_ref_clk by writing 0x36 tot he location (default was 0x6) after connecting the 50 MHz clock to hps_0_emac_ptp_ref_clock_clk which is stopping the ToD count...
CLKSYNC/4/PTPTIMESTAMPUNCHANGE: The timestamp state is abnormal. (State=[State]) 日志含义 日志参数 可能原因 本设备接收到的时间戳报文不变化。 处理步骤 1.执行命令display ptp interface查看当前端口接收到的sync报文计数是否不变。 如果是,请执行步骤2。 如果不是,请执行步骤3。 2.检查链路是否故障,如果...
Methods for treatment, diagnosis, and screening are provided for diseases related to PTP20, PCP-2, BDP1, mCLK2, mCLK3, mCLK4, and SIRP polypeptides or conditions characterized by an abnormal interaction between such a polypeptide and its binding partner....
转换速度:0msC三菱RY4PTP。 通道间缘:隔离变压器缘。 断线检测:有。 外部配线连接方式:40针连接器。 输出 温度测量值(6位带符号二进制):−2000~8500RY4PTP 缩放值(6位带符号二进制):有。 无需程序即可执行转换运算、比例缩放 可使用参数轻松设定转换运算和比例缩放,无需创建专用的程序。
一、刘宪德担任职务:刘宪德目前担任福尼(海南)信息科技有限公司法定代表人,同时担任福尼(海南)信息科技有限公司财务负责人,执行董事兼总经理;二、刘宪德的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,刘宪德与侯超为商业合作伙伴。 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合...
百度文库 高处作业基础髙度可以分为( ) 根据您输入的内容,为您匹配到题目: **高处作业基础髙度可以分为( )** A. l~2m B. 2~5m C. 5~15m D. 15-30m E. 30m 以上 **答案**: BCDE ©2024 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 ...
Methods for diagnosing abnormal conditions in an organism with PTP20, PCP-2, BDP1, mCLK2, mCLK3, mCLK4, and SIRP related molecules or compounds. PTP20, PCP-2, BDP1, mCLK2, mCLK3, mCLK4, or SIRP polypeptides, nucleic acids encoding such polypeptides, cells, tissues and animals ...
For symptoms that are characterized by abnormal interaction between the polypeptide and its binding partner such disease or related to SIRP polypeptide PTP20, PCP-2, BDP1, mCLK2, mCLK3, and 路 CLK4,, Treatment to providing method, and screening methods diagnostic methods.ウルルリヒ...
Axel UllrichHong Yang WangWOWO1997048723A2 1997年6月17日 1997年12月24日 Max Planck Gesellschaft Ptp-20, pcp-2, bdp1, clk and sirp proteins and related productsWO1997048723A2 * Jun 17, 1997 Dec 24, 1997 Max Planck Gesellschaft Ptp-20, pcp-2, bdp1, clk and sirp proteins and related ...