In this report, we examine the current state of the industry and provide perspectives on US financial institutions’ climate scenario analysis capabilities based on a survey conducted by the Risk Management Association and Oliver Wyman in Q4 2022. The key takeaways include: The potential of climat...
the Paris Agreements goal of maintaining a 1.5°C trajectory. Furthermore, the reports can help investors address key internal and external climate disclosures, including TCFD-based reporting initiatives where climate scenario analysis and scenario alignment are core elements of the disclosure requirements...
van Vuuren, D. P. et al. Work plan for data exchange between the integrated assessment and climate modeling community in support of phase-0 of scenario analysis for climate change assessment (representative community pathways). 〈〉 (6 October ...
Addressing Climate Risks Through Stress Testing and Scenario Analysis In this webinar, we delved into the challenges faced by financial institutions and strategies to quantify risks through climate scenario analysis and stress testing.
Developing scenarios is a common interest within MACSUR researchers. This report outlines the main results of a survey of TRADE-M participants with respect to the scenarios used within modelling, the time frame and the importance of factors in their development. Most researchers are ...
carbon stored compared to 2050 (to 13 MMT CO2e), do not make a substantial contribution to the total agricultural reduction potential largely due to the relative loss of live biomass that would have accumulated in rangelands converted to perennial agriculture under the no intervention scenario (Fig...
Climate prediction refers to the process of forecasting future climate conditions based on an understanding of past and present data, including the use of hindcasts and analysis of extreme events. From: The Future of the World's Climate (Second Edition), 2012 ...
For example, the ISSB recently announced that companies must use climate-related scenario analysis to identify climate-related risks and opportunities and to report on their climate resilience. While the ISSB will use the existing TCFD guidance to help preparers undertake climate-related scenario anal...
the simulated scenario to avoid irreparable loss of fertility (bare soils) or floods and extreme sediment discharges (urban areas). LSandPfactors were mapped based on the reclassification of the slope raster layer. These two were found to be the most influencing factors for erosion acceleration. ...
Projections of climate change impacts under the A1B socio-economic (medium-emissions) scenario indicated changing suitability in a Mediterranean region of Spain would reduce yields considerably more for sunflowers than wheat, with soil type governing the size of the impacts [13]. Gardner et al. [...