This video explores ISS ESG’s physical climate risk analysis tool, which enables investors to model hazard intensity increases, for likely and worst-case scenarios by 2050, across five of the costliest hazards: wildfires, tropical cyclones, heat stress, floods, and drought. ...
Forestation can be a valuable tool for mitigating climate change. Using an Earth System Model, Moustakis et al. show that ambitious deployment in the range of country pledges can mitigate global temperature under an overshoot pathway by 0.2 oC, but highlight the associated socioeconomic tradeof...
Climate Futures Toolbox Functions As previously mentioned, the climate futures toolbox includes two functions: available_data() and single_point_firehose(). While both of these functions are used to download data from the MACA climate model, they have slightly different usage cases which will be ...
This typically is a retrospective analysis of the skill of previous forecasts made using identical methods. For categorical forecasts, the main tool is the Heidke score, which calculates the hit rate as an accuracy measure. For measuring the forecast accuracy of continuous predictands, the mean ...
MRM teams have typically relied on back-testing to assess model soundness; however, new approaches to outcome analysis are needed, as data unavailability may limit the use of this key tool. As a consequence, validation teams must leverage different approaches to test output ...
Conning Climate Risk Analyzer™ provides insurers and pension plans with new ways to explore the impact of climate change for strategic planning and regulatory reporting. The software-as-a-service tool combines stochastic projections from the GEMS® Economic Scenario Generator with the latest thinking...
Natural climate solutions (NCS) are recognized as an important tool for governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and remove atmospheric carbon dioxide. Using California as a globally relevant reference, we evaluate the magnitude of biological climate mitigation potential from NCS starting in 2020 ...
In this study, we develop and implement TAPS with three components: recent global and fuel-specific anthropogenic emissions inventories, scenarios of emitting activities to 2100 from the MIT Economic Projection and Policy Analysis model (EPPA), and emissions intensity trends based on ...
For example, web data visualization provides a powerful tool for presenting climate change information, which makes abstract climate change information easier to understand; a web-enabled data warehouse also provides faster and easier access for different users. Currently, the web has been widely used...
The move to tax imports was made public Wednesday, the same day that the European Union outlined its own proposal for a similar carbon border tax, a novel tool that is designed to protect domestic manufacturing.…skeptics caution that a carbon border tax, which has yet to be implemented by ...