可以看出,这个词是click(点击)和bait(诱饵)的结合,顾名思义,就是“引诱你点击的东西”,换句话说就是“标题党”。 严格地讲,这个概念并不仅仅包含中文的「标题党」,它包含所有会引诱你点击的东西, 如果你要明确地指“标题党类型的标题”,你可以说: a clickbait title 显然,这个词里的核心部分是click,它也是...
Alternatively called link bait, clickbait or click bait is a hyperlink on a web page that entices a visitor to click to continue reading an article. Clickbait links often forward the user to a page that requires payment or registration or is one of several pages to help drive page views ...
等等。这样的英语文字titles/headlines,就叫click bait headlines/titles,or eye-catching headlines/titles. 1. Don't click on it. It is nothing more than clickbaity. 不要点开,就一个“标题党”罢了。Clickbaity= click baitheadlines/titles,or eye-catching headlines/titles. 2. You're writing a click...
click·bait (klĭk′bāt′) n. Provocative or sensationalistic headline text that entices people to click on a link to an article, used as a publishing tactic to increase webpage views and associated ad revenue. [click+bait.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
Clickbait (or click bait) is a deceptive advertising strategy used online. It entices users to click on a link to view online content, which is either not related to the heading (and link) or only partially what the user thinks they will find. ...
yangshun / commitbait Sponsor Star 19 Code Issues Pull requests 👀 Write clickbait-y commit messages commits clickbait Updated May 30, 2017 JavaScript IITGuwahati-AI / Fake-News-Detection Star 18 Code Issues Pull requests Detecting Fake News using AI nlp natural-language-processing py...
The meaning of CLICKBAIT is something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest. How to use clickbait in a sentence.
雅思托福口语 | “误导”用英语怎么说 | Oliver小贴士-知识拓展:除了误导性的新闻之外,在互联网、社交媒体上也充斥着 clickbait(标题党)。click 指“点击”,bait 指“陷阱”。举个:Oliver: I'm curious about who wrote these sensational news reports. Obviously,they have misled the public. (我很好奇现在...
Clickbait is mainly used in digital marketing - for advertising and on social media. It is a means of driving more pageviews to a website and is often used to inflate the website’s revenues from pay-per-click advertising or other types of traffic monetization. ...