Queen Cleopatrais the second in Jada Pinkett Smith’sAfrican Queensseries of drama-docuseries hybrids; this time the focus is on one of the most famous African queens of them all, Egypt’s Cleopatra. Controversy has surrounded this installment, includingobjectionsfrom Egypt’sown government.Are thos...
Netflix continues to provide a slew of incredible docu-series, and their latest endeavor is all about Cleopatra — the last ruling pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. Narrated and executive produced by Jada Pinkett Smith, Queen Cleopatra explores the queen's legacy and unpacks the untold story of her ...
CastingGal Gadotas Cleopatra in the next remake from Paramount does not bode well going by the recent wave of reactions to a viral tweet posted byGreek City Times. A Netflix adaptation of The Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt produced byJada Smi...
The most expensive movie ever made at the time of release, Taylors sprawling star vehicle about the exploits of the famed Queen of Egypt became notorious as one of the all-time flops in film history. Contributing to the movies inflated $31 million budget was an epic scene of naval warfare,...
Cleopatra was the last queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty and was known for her political-romantic trysts with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony during her bids for total control of the kingdom of Egypt with support from the Roman Empire. @marshmallowmoney Replying to @tylru_ Netflix should have ...
Over the past three years, though, updates of the epic movie on the Queen of Egypt have been few and far between. In an interview with Flaunt, Gadot gave a promising update on Cleopatra while explaining why the movie is taking so long to develop. Gadot acknowledged that the cast and ...
If you’ve ever sat down and watchedCleopatra—and even if you haven’t—the one scene you remember is when the Queen of Egypt enjoys her triumphant procession through the streets of Rome. Presaged by “Egyptians” on horseback and dancers in the kind of lusty bikinis that only the studio...
网飞公司(Netflix)的剧情式纪录片《埃及艳后》(Queen Cleopatra)将埃及托勒密王朝女王克利奥帕特拉七世(Queen Cleopatra VII)描绘成一个非洲黑人,这在埃及引发了争议。 A Netflix docudrama series that depicts Queen Cleopatra VII as a black African has sparked controversy in Egypt. ...