Queen Cleopatradefinitely suffers from this problem, but in a way that’s different thanNjingadid. In the first season, the interviews felt like window dressing for the well-acted dramatic scenes. Here, the interviews are the more compelling part, mainly because a lot of the talks go into ho...
Courtesy Netflix Jada Pinkett Smith‘s documentary seriesAfrican Queensis returning to Netflix, with a second-season focus onQueen Cleopatra. The series will feature four episodes about the “daring queen whose beauty and romances came to overshadow her real asset: her intellect.” “We don’t ...
Doing the research, I realizedwhat a political act it would be to see Cleopatra portrayed by a Black actress. For me, the idea that people had gotten it so incredibly wrong before — historically, from Theda Bara to Monica Bellucci, and recently, with Angelina Jolie and Gal Gadot in the ...
颠倒黑白:Netflix纪录片《埃及艳后》的争议与文化挪用 #影评 #网飞 #希腊 #埃及 #罗马 探索历史重解释和文化争议的迷人世界,在我们的最新影片中,我们深入探讨了Netflix 2023年的纪录片《Queen Cleopatra》 - 巫女花散里-hanachirusato于20240120发布在抖音,已经收获了2
历史总是惊人的相似,这种类似的悲情的爱情故事,在莎士比亚的戏剧作品中也有出现,比如《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》Antony and Cleopatra,它就是是莎士比亚于1607年左右编写的罗马悲剧,源于古罗马历史... Netflix美剧暗示英国女王有外遇!女王前御用新闻发言人开口了… 女王前御用新闻发言人开口了…Netflix美剧暗示英国女王有外...