Netflix今日推出的历史记录片,一共有4集的《 #埃及艳后 /Queen Cleopatra》刚看完,小时候看的是时长很长的电影版,是伊莉萨白泰勒的版本,而这次换成了黑人女星Adele James饰演。 这记录片影集还未上映到现在,埃及起了不小的抗议,以表达不满这支记录片,将埃及最后一位法老Cleopatra给“黑皮肤化了”,认为Netflix...
Queen Cleopatradefinitely suffers from this problem, but in a way that’s different thanNjingadid. In the first season, the interviews felt like window dressing for the well-acted dramatic scenes. Here, the interviews are the more compelling part, mainly because a lot of the talks go into ho...
Courtesy Netflix Jada Pinkett Smith‘s documentary seriesAfrican Queensis returning to Netflix, with a second-season focus onQueen Cleopatra. The series will feature four episodes about the “daring queen whose beauty and romances came to overshadow her real asset: her intellect.” “We don’t ...
Netflix suggests that the murders were a last resort for the queen, which is probably not true. Cleopatra was a savvy political player and understood the threat that her siblings could pose to her rule, especially after the civil war she fought against her brother, Ptolemy XIII. She had Mar...
Queen Cleopatra: Mit Jada Pinkett Smith, Adele James, Craig Russell, John Partridge In diesem Dokudrama mit nachgestellten Szenen und Experteninterviews kämpft Kleopatra als letzte Pharaonin Ägyptens um den Schutz des Thrones, ihrer Familie und ihr
CLEOPATRA, Queen of Egypt, d. 30 B.C.NETFLIX Inc.PLURALISMTRAILERSRHETORICCURIOSITYTrailers for movies are generally considered aesthetic independent multimodal fragmented discourse. Since one of the key features of trailers for docudramas is to promote arguments in order to propagate the importanc...
颠倒黑白:Netflix纪录片《埃及艳后》的争议与文化挪用 #影评 #网飞 #希腊 #埃及 #罗马 探索历史重解释和文化争议的迷人世界,在我们的最新影片中,我们深入探讨了Netflix 2023年的纪录片《Queen Cleopatra》 - 巫女花散里-hanachirusato于20240120发布在抖音,已经收获了2
历史总是惊人的相似,这种类似的悲情的爱情故事,在莎士比亚的戏剧作品中也有出现,比如《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》Antony and Cleopatra,它就是是莎士比亚于1607年左右编写的罗马悲剧,源于古罗马历史... Netflix美剧暗示英国女王有外遇!女王前御用新闻发言人开口了… 女王前御用新闻发言人开口了…Netflix美剧暗示英国女王有外...
Netflix今日推出的历史记录片,一共有4集的《 #埃及艳后 /Queen Cleopatra》刚看完,小时候看的是时长很长的电影版,是伊莉萨白泰勒的版本,而这次换成了黑人女星Adele James饰演。 这记录片影集还未上映到现在,埃及起了不小的抗议,以表达不满这支记录片,将埃及最后一位法老Cleopatra给“黑皮肤化了”,认为Netflix...