在这篇文章中主要用了classifier guider diffusion,实现一个引导,让模型在评估指标上更强,也就是能生成更真实的样本(牺牲多样性,换来写实性);此外从GAN的实验中得到启发,对扩散模型进行了大量的消融实验,找到了更好的架构、更深更宽的模型。 classifier guider diffusion的想法是找到一种guidance帮助模型的采样和学习...
Fixes (#6981) instruct pix2pix pipeline scale model prediction to sigma space before computing classifier free guidance and scale back when done for schedulers operating in sigma space, which seems...
Master Large Language Models (LLMs) with this course, offering clear guidance in NLP and model training made simple. 4.6 Building LLM Applications using Prompt Engineering This free course guides you on building LLM apps, mastering prompt engineering, and developing chatbots with enterprise data. ...
In addition, the simulation results were tested by material classification experiments. This study not only proposed a method to improve the flow field but also provided theoretical guidance for the design and optimization of classifiers. 2. Description of the Equipment and Calculation Methodology 2.1....