MapCoords Classicplaces coordinates on your world map and minimap, which allow you to communicate, and understand, exact locations on WoW Classic easily when reading guides such as ours. 2.9. Guidelime Guidelimewill allow you to download and follow a predefined optimized questing path, complete with...
Version: 0.43 by:Jim-Bim[More] Hello MapCoords User! Description: This is an AddOn that shows the cursor & player coordinates on the worldmap. As of 0.3 it also shows coords below your and your party members portrait. And since 0.16 it can also show coords below your minimap (optional)...
Moonfireon the three white Lunar Stones nearby and a chest will appear with the SunfireRune inside. For Night Elves, it is found around the 52,79 map coordinates in Teldrassil. The conditions to obtain are the same as Tauren; use Moonfireon the three white Lunar Stones nearby and loot th...
There is a Weak Auras versionunder developmentfor WoW Classic. While it is still uncertain what functionalities it will have, we will keep track of the project and update as required. 1.6. MapCoords Classic MapCoords Classicplaces coordinates on your world map and minimap, which allow you to co...
MapCoords— This small and quite simple add-on will display map coordinates at the top of the minimap. Coordinates by TomCat’s Tours— This add-on is similar to the previous one, but it shows the coordinates on both minimap and World map. The coordinates of a cursor on the World map ...
Map Coordinates: (63.2 X , 16.0Y) New in Phase 4 of The Burning Crusade Classic, Doom Lord Kazzak’s loot is now Bind-on-Equip, meaning that you sell, trade, and mail loot to other players or your alts. Role Summaries Everyone ...
Location Doomwalker is located at ground level in the center of the two terraces in front of the Black Temple. Map coordinates: (71.4 X , 44.1 Y) Strategy This is a brief summary on how to defeat Doomwalker. For a more in-depth guide, please check out ourDoomwalker Strategy Guide. ...
s Camp. Speak to her and she’ll give youAriden’s Sigil. This is is a Trinket that reveals nearbyDark Riders, which are normally invisible. The Trinket gives you theDark Presencebuff when a Dark Rider is nearby, but it’s far easier to use the map coordinates I’m about to...
Adds player coordinates at the top. Adds a nicer visible clock at the bottom. Makes the minimap drag-able and able to save the user's placement. Makes the minimap square. Provides minimap mousewheel zoom scrolling. Hides the clock button, display time on mouseover of the bottom of the mini...
MapCoords Classic places coordinates on your world map and minimap, which allow you to communicate, and understand, exact locations on WoW Classic easily when reading guides such as ours. It can also help you locate Mankrik's Wife, we promise. ...