you may need to do NPC searching to get others. I’m exceptionally bad at remembering locations inWoW, so I always need help finding where I’m looking for, which was also the case when I was trying to get theBargain Bush inWoW Classic SoD. ...
As Horde, your method to reach Gnomeregan will be a bit different. First, you need to pick up the prerequisite quest fromNogginOrgrimmar’s Valley of Honorat coordinates75.8, 25.2. The quest is calledRig Wars. You then need to talk toSovik(located in the same building as Nogg) and accep...
First of all, WoW Classic Season of Discovery has a dual focus in Phase 7, and they have a very interesting connection: First, Scourge Invasion enters the game, where you need to destroy the floating necropolis Naxxramas. Then there are problems in Karazhan Crypts, and Legendary staff Atiesh,...
In every expansion to WOW Classic to date, dungeon grinding in the open world or solo dungeons from previous expansions at launch will always be the first choice for players if you want to reach the highest level as quickly as possible. Because this is the only point at whic...
I’ve been seeing a lot of folk saying how bad Classic has gotten here and there, albeit I wasn’t playing at the time so kinda put it to the back of my mind. I’m back now, but noticed practically all the realms were low …
To start this quest you will need to be at least level 23. FindTideressin Ashenvale. This named Water Elemental can be found on the small island east of Talondeep Path, or in the surrounding water (Coordinates: 50, 69~). Tideress is a level 27 non-elite with a roughly 10 minute ...
Expansion: WoW Classic Moonglade is a very Druid centric, neutral zone high in the mountains, near Mt. Hyjal. It is accessed by Druids very early on in their level progression through their class spell: Teleport to Moonglade. Druids acquire some of their class quests as well as some spe...
WoW Classic PvE servers (Image credit: Blizzard) PvE servers: WoW Classic and WotLK Classic If you plan to play on a PvE server, you have to manually flag yourself for PvP to fight other players. Choose one of these if you don't want to get ganked while you're going about your busin...
Your first mount in Classic is one of the big upgrades you get, and it makes getting around the map a whole lot easier. Tips to get WOW Classic Gold Earning gold in World of Warcraft is no longer the daunting prospect it used to be. The same, however, can’t be said back in the...
again, you choosed the version of WoW that’s built to be a copy of 2004. there’s this thing called SOD who is in classic , but dev tune it. Everything that you said so far has been said 6 years ago the first time Blizz did classic. this entire debate has already been done an...