TomTomis a navigation addon which allows you to set waypoints on your map with /way CoordX CoordY (replace with the numbers of the coordinates you want to go to). An arrow will then point towards that waypoint, making it easy to reach a set of coordinates, such as the ones we use ...
MapCoords Classic: Adds coordinates to your map and minimap for precise navigation. WeakAuras: A powerful tool for creating and sharing custom visual indicators to track buffs, debuffs, cooldowns, and more. Players can also import pre-made auras from repositories like BugSack: Consolidate...
Version: 0.43 by:Jim-Bim[More] Hello MapCoords User! Description: This is an AddOn that shows the cursor & player coordinates on the worldmap. As of 0.3 it also shows coords below your and your party members portrait. And since 0.16 it can also show coords below your minimap (optional)...
This AddOn for Classic WoW (v. 1.13) adds an additional circular action bar that normally remains hidden but can be summoned by a click of a (mouse) button. The RingMenu is hence ideal for storing away action buttons that are frequently used yet need not be present on the screen at all...
Classic Era 1.15.0+ This addon is no longer needed for Classic Era to seetargetcastbars. You may disable this addon now and enable castbars inBlizzard Options -> Interface -> Show Enemy Cast Barinstead. For anyone still using it for castbar customizations, make sure you're using version 1....
GatherMate2is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map. This is theRetailversion of GatherMate2, the version forWoW Classiccan be foundhere ...
Guidelimeis an addon that easily allows you to follow a written leveling guide online, complete with quest objective tracking and an arrow pointing towards your next location, as well as World Map notes on what your next steps are and their location. ...
Accountant Classic by arith. A basic tool to track your monetary incomings and outgoings within WoW. Accurate coordinates (DCOORDS) by Darcey. A small lightweight coordinates AddOn. Acheron by nikkodemus. Provides an easily readable glimpse into the cause of death for anyone in your raid or ...
WoW Classic addon out of date devindietz 1mo When playing Classic WoW, the Leatrix Maps and Leatrix Plus addons no l longer work when playing on geforce now. Can anyone point me in the right direction to bring it to someone's attention to get it fixed? Its one of the most necessar...
May 2024 FICO is just the Parse Log ofRealLife™. somethingsomethingif you can parse on FICO, you can Parse on WCL Drinknblink<HUNKS> 15228 posts 85 Gnome Mage6725 Huntaren May 2024 So many addon lawyers in 1 place. 2 Replies