Furthermore, you can configure the coordinate's accuracy (number of decimals). Why this addon was created I used to use other coordinate addon and it was good enough for my farming or world traveling. But after one new version of the addon, the author decided to rebuild it, which is go...
Map, Coords, Compasses Broker_RaidMakeup Data Broker MaxDps Mage Combat Mods Bigger Bag Checker Bags, Bank, Inventory RackensTracker Miscellaneous Annoying Pop-up Remover Utility Mods Great Vault List Miscellaneous Mythic Quick Create Miscellaneous ...
Version: 0.43 by:Jim-Bim[More] Hello MapCoords User! Description: This is an AddOn that shows the cursor & player coordinates on the worldmap. As of 0.3 it also shows coords below your and your party members portrait. And since 0.16 it can also show coords below your minimap (optional)...
Before opening World of Warcraft, just fire up WowMatrix and let it update your WoW AddOns quickly and safely. Here are some of the WoW AddOns supported by WowMatrix, with more being added daily: A-E F-J K-O P-T U-Z _Corpse by Saiket. Shows the faction and online status of re...
Run wowaddon environment. If it can't find your World of Warcraft installation in the normal places you can set the environment variable WOWDIR to override it. Usage To install Fishing Buddy run wowaddon install fishingbuddy. The name needed is the one used for the addon at the source you...
World of Warcraft addon that provides a powerful framework to display customizable graphics on your screen. frameworkextensionluaaddondiscordscriptingwarcraft-addontriggerworld-of-warcraftwow-addoncustom-texturesflexible-frameworkweakauras UpdatedMar 3, 2025 ...
May 3, 2023 Members nevcairielOwner Gathering->GatherMate2 Waypoints->TomTom ZoneInfo->Cromulent Notes->HandyNotes|HandyNotes Modules Note for WoW Classic: Mapster has been discontinued for WoW Classic. Unlike many of my other mods, Mapster is designed to directly modify part of the Blizzard UI...
Easy AddOn Management Download, install and update your favorite World of Warcraft AddOns with just a few simple clicks. Safe and Secure WowMatrix is clean, and even protects against malware during AddOn installation. TutorialHow toInstall WoW AddOns in 3 Easy Stepsusing WowMatrix!
World Quest Tracker is an addon that introduces temporary daily quests to the people who keep on playing World of Warcraft game. You will be able to take a break from the outdated map interface that you can find in World of Warcraft, once you start playing the game with this addon. ...
BtWQuests: Warlords of Draenorcontains the initial garrison quest chain aswell as the shipyard questlines along with the major quest lines for leveling zones BtWQuests: Mists of Pandariacontains the major quest lines for leveling zones in Mists of Pandaria ...