The mechanisms of secondary changes in antibody repertoires remain unclear. McHeyzer-Williams and colleagues define the stages of reentry of class-switched memory B cells into germinal centers to remodel existing antibody specificities. Effective vaccine
Interestingly, current smokers had higher percentages of (class-switched) memory B cells than ex-smokers and never smokers, irrespective of COPD./p pThis increase in (class-switched) memory B cells in current smokers is intriguing and suggests that smoke-induced neo-antigens may be constantly ...
IgG anti-IgA antibodiesCommon Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID)IgA deficiencyIgA+ B cellsClass-switched CD27pos IgMneg IgDneg memory B cells... Julia Horn and Vojtech Thon and Dana Bartonkova and Ulrich Salzer and Klaus Warnatz and Michael Schlesier and Hans-Hartmut Peter and Bodo Grimbacher - ...
cellssmokersswitchedperipheralmemoryblood BioMedCentralPage1of11(pagenumbernotforcitationpurposes)RespiratoryResearchOpenAccessResearchIncreasedlevelsof(classswitched)memoryBcellsinperipheralbloodofcurrentsmokersCorry-AnkeBrandsma*1,2,MachteldNHylkema2,MarieGeerlings1,2,WouterHvanGeffen1,DirkjeSPostma1,WimTimens2and...
Hu-PNS patients had elevated numbers of regulatory T cells, central memory T cells, class-switched B cells and dendritic cells in their CSF. These findings support the hypothesis that the immune system is locally activated in Hu-PNS, and suggests common etiological pathways between Hu-PNS and ...