Union and Confederate POWs of the Civil War Search for Civil War POWs: Search for Confederate POWs Loading Search for Union POWs Loading
This article explores the significance of Civil War Military Camp newspapers in understanding the movements and struggles of Union and Confederate troops in western Virginia. It focuses on two specific newspapers, the Confederate Guerilla and the Union Knapsack, which were publishe...
Union and Confederate Union ReenactorsConfederate ReenactorsEvents Army of the Southwest California 2nd California Cavalry Colorado 2nd Colorado Regiment Volunteer Cavalry Florida 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, Company F The 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, Company F is an independent Civil War reenacting unit bas...
Comparing the Union and Confederacy Civil War Generals Foldable Notes. Essential Questions What were the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South going into the Civil War? What were the war aims and strategies of. Advantages and Disadvantages Union vs Confederacy The Civil War The First ...
TheStrategicPlanofBothSidestheConfederateStatesofAmerica(the"Confederacy"orthe"South"):defensestrategybyDavis theUnitedStates(the"Union"orthe"North"):theAnacondaPlanbygeneralWinfieldScott thefirststage thesecondstage 1862,aseriesofmeasuresandtrategies:Nov.22nd,1862,LincolnpublishedTheEmancipationProclamationin...
Learn about the Union and its characteristics during the Civil War. See a list of states that were in the Union. Read about the Union and...
Union soldiers most commonly used the Colt Army Revolver Model 1860 as a sidearm, while Confederates used the Colt 1851 Navy revolver. The Colt Army Model 1860 was a six-shot pistol with .44 caliber ammunition. More than 200,000 were made during the Civil War. On the other hand, the Co...
Confederate and Union Civil War Song Lyrics Confederate Civil War Song Lyrics I Wish I Was In Dixie Bonnie Blue Flag Lorena Goober Peas Yellow Rose of Texas Good OL Rebel God Save The South Riding A Raid Dixie, The Land of King Cotton ...
Civil War:就是美国南北战争(也称美国内战)。1861年4月15日至1865年4月,美国南方与北方之间进行的战争。北方领导战争的是资产阶级,战斗力量是广大工人、农民和黑人。在南方,坚持战争的只是种植场奴隶主,他们进行战争的目的是要保卫奴隶制度,脱离联邦,建立邦联,体现了这个国家从建立的那一刻起,就...
Allegiance - whether Union or Confederate Ordering Civil War Service Records from the National Archives Order from NARA:You can order Civil War Service records from the National Archives online or by mail for a fee. Be sure to have the person's name, regiment, state, and allegiance as indicat...