Union and Confederate POWs of the Civil War Search for Civil War POWs: Search for Confederate POWs Loading Search for Union POWs Loading
WARMEAT industryMEAT packing housesNEST buildingMORALEThis article explores the significance of Civil War Military Camp newspapers in understanding the movements and struggles of Union and Confederate troops in western Virginia. It focuses on two specific newspapers, the Confederate ...
Learn about the Union and its characteristics during the Civil War. See a list of states that were in the Union. Read about the Union and...
Confederate Naval Buildup National Archives Historical Background Authors Privacy Policy Bibliography Fourierism American Civil War Politics Bubble, bubble toil and Trouble! Boil, Free Soil, The Union Spoil; Come Grief and Moan, Peace be None, ...
Confederate Store Civil War Toys Civil War Video Games Civil War Flags Civil War Posters Reenactors Row Supplies Fourierism American Civil War Politics Bubble, bubble toil and Trouble! Boil, Free Soil, The Union Spoil; Come Grief and Moan, ...
They lacked in financial resources and man power needed to overtake the Union. How did the Civil War end who won? The Civil War ended due to several events. Many Confederate Generals surrendered their armies and the Confederate President was captured. The Union (the Northern States) won the ...
Battle of the Wilderness: Union Offensive Begins In February 1864, PresidentAbraham LincolnappointedUlysses S. Grantas commander in chief of all Union armies in theCivil War. Wasting no time, Grant began planning a major offensive toward the Confederate capital of Richmond, to be known as the Ov...
Skirmishes, Civil War Wall Map of 1861-1865, Civil War Forts, Easy-to-Read Civil War Battlefield Maps Showing Today's Streets and Highways, Driving Tour Guides of Battlefields & Historical Towns, National, Union, and Confederate Cemeteries, Historical Buildings and Landmarks, and Civil War ...
Union and Confederate Union ReenactorsConfederate ReenactorsEvents Army of the Southwest California 2nd California Cavalry Colorado 2nd Colorado Regiment Volunteer Cavalry Florida 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, Company F The 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, Company F is an independent Civil War reenacting unit bas...
Today, this is all conjecture, of course, but the questions and rhetoric regarding such are still brought up among historians.At A GlanceBelow is an interesting set of statistics concerning Union and Confederate railroad operations during the war....