In the Shenandoah Valley and Peninsula Campaigns of 1862, Union and Confederate soldiers faced unfamiliar and harsh environmental conditions--strange terrain, tainted water, swarms of flies and mosquitoes, interminable rain and snow storms, and oppressive heat--which contributed to escalating disease and...
Union and Confederate Union ReenactorsConfederate ReenactorsEvents Army of the Southwest California 2nd California Cavalry Colorado 2nd Colorado Regiment Volunteer Cavalry Florida 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, Company F The 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, Company F is an independent Civil War reenacting unit bas...
Valley and Peninsula Campaigns of 1862, Union and Confederate soldiers faced unfamiliar and harsh environmental conditions - strange terrain, tainted water, swarms of flies and mosquitoes, interminable rain and snow storms, and oppressive heat - which contributed to escalating disease and diminished ...
There were many complex reasons that the Union and Confederate forces were willing risk their lives, but the main cause of the Civil War was the issue of states' rights versus federal power. The Union soldiers fought to preserve the status of the federal government, while the Confederacy ...
Union and Confederate POWs of the Civil War Search for Civil War POWs: Search for Confederate POWs Loading Search for Union POWs Loading
Civil War:就是美国南北战争(也称美国内战)。1861年4月15日至1865年4月,美国南方与北方之间进行的战争。北方领导战争的是资产阶级,战斗力量是广大工人、农民和黑人。在南方,坚持战争的只是种植场奴隶主,他们进行战争的目的是要保卫奴隶制度,脱离联邦,建立邦联,体现了这个国家从建立的那一刻起,就...
Civil War especially when it was loaded with a canister -- a tin can filled with iron balls that exploded in a spray shot when fired. Ketchum grenades were often used by Union soldiers, while the Confederates had the Rains and Adams grenade. The Ketchum grenade had three main parts: a ...
Following four years of bloody battle that left more than 600,000 Confederate and Union soldiers dead, and damaged much of the infrastructure of the South, the Confederacy distorted, slavery was eliminated, and the complex Reconstruction course of reinstating national harmony and assuring civil rights...
Video about View of Union and Confederate Civil War soldiers in battle. Video of archive, camp, battle - 80427000
More credit for valor is given to Confederate soldiers. 他们想必更有气势,更有冲劲。 Theyre supposed to have had more elan and dash. 但事实上,据我了解没有任何一支部队 Actually, I know of no braver men in either army 比弗雷德里克斯堡的北军更勇敢,他们遭受一次惨败, than the Union troops at ...