Civil War-related historic sites to visit in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It mentions that the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park and related sites are the most prominent destinations. It advises on crossing the...
Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. American Civil War - civil war in the United States between the North and the South; 1861-1865 United States Civil War, War between the States battle of Atlanta, Atlanta - a siege in which Federal troops under Sherman cut off the railroads supplying the ...
In Tennessee v. Cardona, 2025 WL 63795, a Kentucky federal judge issued an opinion vacating the new Title IX regulations. In April of 2024, new Title IX regulations expanded the concept of discrimination “on the basis of...more A Preliminary Injunction Does Not a “Prevailing Party” Make,...
Monuments in the State of Mississippi Monuments in the State of North Dakota Monuments in the State of Pennsylvania Monuments in the State of Tennessee Monuments in the State of Virginia Monuments in Washington, D. C. Links to other Civil War web sites with special interest to Iowa.Home...
Civil War artifacts in Georgia, including uniforms and documents. Stephens' home, Liberty Hall, is renovated to its 1875 style, fully furnished and open for tours. Beautiful outdoor facilities make this park a treat for both nature lovers and history buffs. Located in Crawfordville, GA.Visit A...
Walk the banks of the Tennessee River, along which more than 100,000 soldiers fought more than 150 years ago. Points of interest: Famous spots like the Hornet’s Nest and Bloody Pond are close to one another. Count the number of cannons at the Hornet’s Nest, and be sure to visit ...
Not only did David Stewart major in history, he has spent a lifetime studying the American Civil War. The basic tour of Shiloh National Military Park introduces the visitor to the key decision-makers of both the Union and the Confederate armies, the major sites of Shiloh, and the dramatic ...
The maps are an excellent resource for studying battles or as an accompaniment on a battlefield visit. The maps are produced by Earl B. McElfresh, cartographer and map historian, who recently authored and compiled Maps and Mapmakers of the Civil War published by Harry N. Abrams in October...
(1960) Grant Moves South is still a classic history of Grant's entire 1861-1863 western campaign, while Thomas L. Connelly's (1967, 1971) two-volume history of the Army of Tennessee [Army of the Heartland, Autumn of Glory] is a fine overview of the entire war in Tennessee & Kentucky...
N.C. 2014. History of Franklin S. Case, officer in the 2nd Ohio Cavalry during the Civil War. Surviving five different Confederate prisons with excerpts from his diary. LuluThe Bull Brothers' Civil War: From Ohio's Little Muskingum Valley through Tennessee, Georgia and the Carolinas by ...