PlacesExplore nearby Civil War sites, read about battlefields, historic sites and museums and people related to these locations. 71Battlefields31Historic Parks168History Sites274Trail Markers ArtifactsSee hand-drawn maps of towns and battlefields and photos of people, historic battle flags, uniforms, ar...
Dozens of Tennessee Civil War battlefields and sites have become parks and museums in the years since the war. Civil War self-guided tour maps have been produced sending visitors into cities and though the beautiful Tennessee countryside. Be sure to ask for a great tour guide to “A Path Div...
By February 1862, Fort Henry, a Confederate earthen fort on the Tennessee River with outdated guns, was partially inundated and the river threatened to flood the rest. On February 4-5, Brigadier General U.S. Grant landed his divisions in two different locations, one on the east bank of the...
American Civil War - civil war in the United States between the North and the South; 1861-1865 United States Civil War, War between the States battle of Atlanta, Atlanta - a siege in which Federal troops under Sherman cut off the railroads supplying the city and then burned it; 1864 Batt...
19. Battle of Stones River Books: There are two excellent battle studies: James Lee McDonough's (1980) Stones River: Bloody Winter in Tennessee and Peter Cozzens' (1990) No Better Place to Die: the Battle of Stones River. Each is similar in length (~220 pages) and each has maps, ...
In one antebellum abode here, an errant Civil War cannonball isnow a doorstop where it came to...Jonsson, Patrik
The American Civil War was one of the most influential wars in American history. Look at some of the most important Civil War battles, including the Battle of the First Bull Run, the Peninsular Campaign, Antietam, Shiloh, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Petersburg. Battle of the First Bull Run ...
Location: Hamilton County and City of Chattanooga Campaign: Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign (1863) Date(s): November 23-25, 1863 Principal Commanders: Major General Ulysses S. Grant [US]; General Braxton Bragg [CS] Forces Engaged: Military Division of the Mississippi [US]; Army of Tennessee [CS...
The Battlefield of Shiloh, Tennessee, 1862. 1:12,000. The battle where U.S. Grant nearly came to grief but where William Tecumseh Sherman came to life. The map side shows crops, fences, houses, farms, watercourses, woods, and significant terrain, but does not show troop movements. The ...
Gilgal Church Battle Site - During Atlanta Campaign- Holding this crossroads was Patrick Cleburne's division, Hardee's Corps, Army of Tennessee (CS). Attacked by Hooker' XX Corps afternoon of June 15. At the close of the day, the Confederates still held the crossroads, however commanding ge...