Dozens of Tennessee Civil War battlefields and sites have become parks and museums in the years since the war. Civil War self-guided tour maps have been produced sending visitors into cities and though the beautiful Tennessee countryside. Be sure to ask for a great tour guide to “A Path Div...
Lloyd in 1861 depicting all railroads in operation at that time; the second was authored by Julius Bien in 1866 and highlights those rail lines requisitioned by the United States Military Railroad throughout the war. Note that General McCallum's name is prominently displayed on this map....
Also reproduced is a map by fellow Confederate mapmaker, W.W. Blackford. Map image is 21-1/2” x 13”; overall size is 18" x 28". ISBN 1-885294-10-7. 63-2946 1 sheet, folded $9.95The Battlefield of Shiloh, Tennessee, 1862. 1:12,000. The battle where U.S. Grant nearly ...
Check out these maps.Georgia Civil War Sites MapAtlanta Civil War Sites Map Visit: Georgia Civil War Battles GA Civil War Sites Info GA Civil War Flags GA Civil War Maps: GA Civil War Sites Atlanta Civil War Sites
The Battle of Nashville was significant because it marked the end of southern resistance in Tennessee for the remainder of the Civil War. It also marked the end of General Hood's career as he resigned his position about a month after the battle. How many Union casualties were there in the...
The American Civil War was one of the most influential wars in American history. Look at some of the most important Civil War battles, including the Battle of the First Bull Run, the Peninsular Campaign, Antietam, Shiloh, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Petersburg. Battle of the First Bull Run ...
Bruce Catton's (1960) Grant Moves South is still a classic history of Grant's entire 1861-1863 western campaign, while Thomas L. Connelly's (1967, 1971) two-volume history of the Army of Tennessee [Army of the Heartland, Autumn of Glory] is a fine overview of the entire war in ...
, St. Louis had no Confederate peer, with an economic output twice that of New Orleans or Richmond. Added to that, St. Louis’ controlling position at the junction of the Mississippi and the Missouri Rivers made the city a prize worth struggling for to both sides in the approaching war....
The regiment spent the rest of 1863 and early 1864 in Tennessee and northern Mississippi before being part of the Atlanta Campaign and the March to the Sea.Wesley had been promoted to corporal on December 10, 1862, during the campaign that ended at Stones River. He survived the warand muste...
the Civil War and organized by the Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the Boston Public Library, this exhibition brings together period maps, prints, political cartoons and other artifacts to explore the causes and strategies of the conflict, how lives were affected and how the war is remembered...