CisScanResultsAggregatedByTargetResourceFilterCriteria CisScanStatusFilter CisSecurityLevelFilter CisSessionMessage CisStringFilter CisTargetResourceAggregation CisTargets CisTargetStatusFilter CisTargetStatusReasonFilter CodeFilePath CodeLine CodeSnippetError
The scan ARN for the CIS target resource. Type: String Pattern: ^arn:aws(-us-gov|-cn)?:inspector2:[-.a-z0-9]{0,20}:\d{12}:owner/(\d{12}|o-[a-z0-9]{10,32})/cis-scan/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12...
Before running any of the scripts, loadcreate_cistarget_databasesconda environment and set thecreate_cistarget_databases_dirvariable to the dir that contains the cloned repo. #Activate conda environment.conda activate create_cistarget_databases#Set ${create_cistarget_databases_dir} variable to path w...
(TFs) acting within a complex gene regulatory network. CisTargetX has been developed to enable a user to predict TFs, enhancers, and target genes involved in the regulation of co-expressed genes. It uses a strategy that incorporates the genome-wide prediction of clusters of transcription factor...
cisTargetX results for eye-developmental coexpressed gene sets.Stein, AertsXiaoJiang, QuanAnnelies, ClaeysMarina, Naval SanchezPhillip, TateJiekun, YanBassem, A. Hassan
The paper studies the necessity of CIS building, elaborates the approaches to refine the cultural features of a city. Based upon city development positioning and the current situation, and starting from the characteristics, basis, standards, and basic principles of CIS target positioning, the paper...
运行SCENIC做单细胞的转录因子分析时遇到一个问题,就是运行SCENIC所需的输入文件中需要用到cistarget database的参考motif文件,而这个在SCENIC官网上仅有人、小鼠、果蝇的参考数据库,而自己的数据是大鼠的基因组,因此需要自己动手去建大鼠的cistarget database。
understanding the governance ofFOXA1mRNA expression offers an alternative strategy to find modulators of its activity. Gene expression relies on the interplay between distalcis-regulatory elements (CREs), such as enhancers and anchors of chromatin interaction, and their target gene promoter(s)29. These...
备选方案:直接下载数据库 # Specify database name: feather_database_url='' feather_database="${feather_database_url##*/}" # Download database directly... ...