B:The Buyer, upon receipt of the Delivery Advice from the Seller, shall,___ days prior to the time of shipment, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller for an amount equivalent to ___ percent ( %) of the total contract value, i.e. US$ ___ (Say ___United ...
CIP 是Cost Insurance and Paid to 的缩写,意思是Cost(成本)+Insurance(保险) (freight) Paid to (运费付至) CIP是指卖方支付货物运至目的地的运费,并对货物在运输途中灭失或损坏的买方风险取得货物保险,订立保险合同,支付保险费用,在货物被交由承运人保管时,货物灭失或损坏的风险,以及由于在货物交给承运人后发生...
B: The Buyer, upon receipt of the Delivery Advice from the Seller, shall,___ days prior to the time of shipment, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller for an amount equivalent to ___ percent ( %) of the total contract value, i.e. US$ ___ (Say ___United...
DOLLARS ONLY. 总金额 : CIF 美元 (大 写) : CIF 美元整。 2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER 原产国及制造商 3. PACKING 包 装 To be packed in new strong fumigated wooden case(s) or carton(s) suitable for long distance ocean/air freight transportation as well as changing climate and ...
If agreed upon by the parties, the electronic equivalent of documents can replace all documents. Now, you have enough information about CIF, and for completing the CIF VS EXW discussion, it is time to talk about EXW. EXW The general task in for the buyer in EXW is as the following: ...
B:The Buyer, upon receipt of the Delivery Advice from the Seller, shall,___ days prior to the time of shipment, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller for an amount equivalent to ___ percent ( %) of the total contract value, i.e. US$ ___ (Say ___United ...
The Buyer, upon receipt of the Delivery Advice from the Seller, shall,_30_ days prior to the time of shipment, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit at sight in favor of the Seller for an amount equivalent to _ninetypercent ( 90 %) of the total contract value, i.e. US$ ___ (Say...
FAK一一Freight All Kind各种货品 FAS一一Free Alongside Ship装运港船边交货 Vessel/Lighter一一驳船航次 FEU 40一一Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit 40尺柜 FMC一一Federal Maritime Commission联邦海事委员会 FIO一一FREE IN AND OUT船公司不付装船和卸船费用 ...
FAK一一Freight All Kind各种货品 FAS一一Free Alongside Ship装运港船边交货 Vessel/Lighter一一驳船航次 FEU 40一一Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit 40尺柜 FMC一一Federal Maritime Commission联邦海事委员会 FIO一一FREE IN AND OUT船公司不付装船和卸船费用 ...