CIF (Cost Insurance & Freight) Shipping Incoterm explained easily. Learn which incoterm is right for your international shipment at Freightos.comJude Abraham June 3, 2023 Logtech Resource Table of Contents Part of the Comprehensive Incoterms Guide CFR Tips And Tricks Other Incoterms Access ...
这些缩写就是国际贸易术语(International Commercial Terms),简称 Incoterms。国际贸易术语是由国际商会(ICC)制定的一套全球通用的贸易代码,用来规范和解释买卖双方在国际贸易中的责任、费用和风险划分。国际贸易术语可以帮助您更清楚地了解您的合同条款,避免不必要的纠纷和损失,提高您的贸易效率和利润。 本文将为您介绍国...
Cost, Insurance and Freight Responsibilities and Risk Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, CIF means the seller is responsible for loading properly packaged goods on board the vessel they’ve nominated, cost of carriage to the named port of destination on the buyer’s side, and insurance to that po...
二、国际贸易术语的使用由《国际贸易术语解释通则》(Incoterms)进行规范。Incoterms 的宗旨是为国际贸易中最普遍使用的贸易术语提供一套解释的国际规则,以避免因各国不同解释而出现的不确定性,或至少在相当程度上减少这种不确定性。
INCOTERMS 1990/2000这个惯例。因为同一个FOB术语两个惯例的解释不同,双方风险、费用、责任和义务都有很大区别。 F、 和客户协商争取其只能指定船公司或船代公司,争取货代由我方按排,目的港货代也应由我方货代指定,这样可以大大减轻贸易风险。 二、 CIF 贸易术语 ...
CIF incoterms Example Scenario 1: An onion farmer delivers fifteen crates of onions to a nearby country using CIF. CIF doesn’t apply toair freighttransportation. He can only choosesea freightforwarders. Using the cost, insurance, and freight, CIF must finance the insurance of these carrots and...
The choice depends on the buyer’s familiarity with shipping; CIF can be simpler for less experienced buyers, while FOB might benefit seasoned traders. 6 Does CIF apply to air freight? CIF is primarily used for sea freight; air freight typically uses different Incoterms. 3 How can a buyer ...
Can CIF Incoterms be used for air freight? CIF cannot be used for air freight. CIF is only designated for ocean freight and waterway shipments. Buyers and sellers wishing to use CIF for air shipments can substitute CIF for CIP, which stands for carriage insurance paid to the destination. Wi...
There are seven Incoterms 2020 rules for any type of transport and four Incoterms rules for sea and inland waterway transports.6 CIF vs. Free on Board (FOB) Cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) and Free on Board (FOB) are both international shipping agreements but havedistinct differencesbetwe...
Cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) and free on board (FOB) are international shipping agreements used in the transportation of goods between buyers and sellers. They're among the most common of the 11international commerce terms(Incoterms) which were established by the International Chamber of Co...