Thus, the above are some advantages and disadvantages of the concept. The full form of CIF is cost, insurance, and freight. In this option, the contract seller will take responsibility for the goods and ensure that the same are insured against loss, theft, or damage when these are loaded ...
Basic Concepts Trade terms (TRADE TERMS) also known as terms of trade terms (PRICE TERMS), it is a brief concept (SHORTHAND EXPRESSION), which defines the division of both cost, risk and responsibility, and both parties should do in the process of delivery and delivery obligations, is an ...
only.Otherdifferencesbetweenthetwoliein: DAPistheactualdelivery,andcostfortheseller,andthe risksofincreasedfreight-apartfromtheportofshipment (ordeparture)freighttotheportofdestination,butalsobear fromthedestinationtothecustomerspecifieddeliveryaddress
6, the attention points in the actual business A, on the concept of misunderstanding: CIF and FOB, in terms of the point of delivery and the risk points are at the port of shipment of the ship at the port of shipment of goods, the seller will be safely installed to complete the...
are the short terms or abbreviations or brief English concept(3 English characters in Incoterms2000) to brief English concept(3 English characters in Incoterms2000) to indicate/explain the composition/formation indicate/explain the composition/formation of the of the unit price unit price and and ...
2021年8月5日星期四 EXW FCA *FOB CPT *CFR DDU CIP *FAS*CIF*DES*DEQDDP 工厂仓库敞车 机场 火车站 汽车站 集装箱码头堆场CY 出口国DAF 关境 关境 出口国 进口国 * 码头 进口国 贸易术语 InternationalTradeTerms 定义:Thetradeterms,aretheshorttermsor abbreviationsorbriefEnglishconcept(3Englishcharacter...
第4章贸易术语FOBCIFCFR 2020/11/26 第4章贸易术语FOBCIFCFR EXW FCA *FOB CPT *CFR DDU CIP *FAS*CIF*DES*DEQDDP 工厂仓库敞车 机场 火车站 汽车站 集装箱码头堆场CY 出口国DAF 关境 关境 码头 进口国 出口国 2020/11/26 进口国 第4章贸易术语FOBCIFCFR 贸易术语 InternationalTradeTerms ...
and Freight and Freight 运费 运费 CPT CPT Carriage Paid To Carriage Paid To 运费付至 运费付至 CIP CIP Carriage and Carriage and Insurance Paid To Insurance Paid To 运费、保险费付至 运费、保险费付至 适用于各种运输方式, 适用于各种运输方式, 包括多式联运 包括多式联运 同上 同上 适用于海运及内...
a外商告知每年对各种刀具需求量非常庞大,请求报所列商品的到岸价纽约,以及最早的交货期、付款方式和定期购买的折扣 The foreign impartation extremely is every year huge to each kind of cutting tool demand, requested the newspaper arranges in order the commodity cost insurance and freight price New York,...