考虑滑动窗口,lut,其他小优化,多线程,最终的史莱姆区块查找算法长这样: voidslime_finder(int x1,int z1,int x2,int z2,int n,int thr){swap(&x1,&x2);swap(&z1,&z2);int dx=x2-x1+1;int dz=z2-z1+1;time_t t0,t1;t0=clock();#pragma omp parallel{int thread_num=...
A collection of apps to help you find the best Minecraft seeds, and locate biomes and structures in your world on an interactive map.
The Pocket Edition slime chunk algorithm was reverse engineered by @protolambda and @jocopa3 and can be found on GitHub. https://depressed-pho.github.io/slime-finder-pe/#0,0 硝酸银:事实上这项计划主要就是我们俩一起完成的,硝酸银独自一人把史莱姆区块的判定算法移植成为了C语言代码,并对判定算法...
求助,1.13.2如..求助,1.13.2如何找史莱姆区块Chunkbase上的slime finder只支持到1.12想做个史莱姆农场顶顶顶顶别沉啊顶
我看网站上显示还是1.12版的 算法会不会不一样啊 分享41 minecraft吧 XingrunLi 求助,1.13.2如何找史莱姆区块 Chunkbase上的slime finder只支持到1.12 想做个史莱姆农场 分享6赞 我的世界吧 贴吧用户_5b3UVCP 网易手机版能用chunkbase查区块吗? 分享1赞 我的世界吧 你瞅啥呢52 你们都是怎么看史莱姆区块的,...
Program to find slimechunk clusters How to use Download the latest version of the slimefinder.jar Drag the jar to a folder Double-click the jar in order to run it Enter your world's seed Enter the radius which you want the app to go through (in chunks!) Enter the minimum amount of ...
Slime Chunk Finder最新版截图 Have you spent hours, searching for those elusive slimes, yet have come up empty handed? Are you sick and tired of roaming the land of Minecraftia in search of that precious slimy resource?Are you ready to stand up, and take matters into your own hands!? Are...
A collection of apps to help you find the best Minecraft seeds, and locate biomes and structures in your world on an interactive map.
Slime Chunk Finder最新版截图 # Slime Chunk Finder最新版 Have you spent hours, searching for those elusive slimes, yet have come up empty handed? Are you sick and tired of roaming the land of Minecraftia in search of that precious slimy resource?Are you ready to stand up, and take ...
Minecraft: Everything players need to know to locate biomes in ChunkbaseTo locate a specific biome on the chunkbase website, players have to follow these steps:Navigate to the “apps” tab. Under the tab, look for the “seed map” option and click on it. At the top of the seed map...