If you want to find Slimes quickly, you can use something called aslime chunk finder. Slimes spawn in certain chunks (16x16 areas) of the map, which you can use to set up a slime farm. To easily find a slime chunk in yourseed, you can useChunkbase. This is a free tool that help...
求助,1.13.2如..求助,1.13.2如何找史莱姆区块Chunkbase上的slime finder只支持到1.12想做个史莱姆农场顶顶顶顶别沉啊顶
Does Slime Finder work with Bedrock Edition? Yes! Make sure to select Bedrock as the version. Does it work in superflat worlds? Yes :) No slimes are spawning in my slime chunk! First of all, even in slime chunks, slimes spawn far less frequently than most other hostiles, maybe comparabl...
Chunk Configuration First, you should decide which chunks should be slime chunks, and which should not. Clicking on a chunk on the map once will mark it as a slime chunk (green color), twice a slime-free chunk (light red). Another click will reset the chunk to its default state (= ...
我在网路上看到pe版的slime chunk是固定座标的,亦在盖史莱姆农场时有生很多次史莱姆 但当我盖完自动收成后 史莱姆一直没生出来? 请教各位大大 分享201 明月庄主吧 Peanut🐴 此贴为找不到史莱姆区块的人看史莱姆计算器网址:http://chunkbase.com/apps/slime-finder如想更精确的找到史莱姆区块请去:http://www....
机械圣女和龙女都和他关系不错 分享818 史莱姆研究社吧 墓幕流 关于史莱姆的起源: 在日本的各知名游戏形象中,起源最为复杂的当数史莱姆。一般认为史莱姆的起源是1931年知名恐怖小说家HP Lovercraft的小说《在疯狂的山脉中》,这部小说中出现了一种叫做Shoggoths的人工生物,这种生物的最大特征就是像史莱姆一样没有...
Slime Finder App Slime Mod World Downloads Slime Chunk Farm with Drowning Trap:Download Slime Chunk Farm with Lava Trap:Download Slime Chunk Farm with Iron Golem Trap:Download Plain Swamp Farm with Lava Trap:Download Hostile Swamp Farm with Drowning Trap:Download ...
also be used in SMP. By default it will only react to swamp biomes. To enable slime chunk detection in SMP, you can either install this mod on the server as well (requires forge server), or manually set the seed in the config file (usually at.minecraft/config/chunkbase_slimemod.cfg)...