time;printf("finishin%.3lfs,%llu chunks/s\n",time,speed);} 完整的代码已在github上开源:https://github.com/origin0110/SlimeChunkFinder 在5950x上,查找速度高达每秒70亿区块,仅需两分半即可搜索全区块,比最初的程序快了大概100万倍。然后被群友当跑分软件玩如果你跑到了更高的分数务必发在评...
Slime Finder Last Update:Dec 21, 2017(MC 1.12) Seed: Load from Save...Random Version: Java EditionBedrock Edition Hint: You can also drag and drop level.dat here! How To Use Background Apart from spawning in swamps (added in 1.4), slimes can only spawn in every 10th chunk in average...
[MCBE][水]SlimeChunkFinder——史莱姆区块寻找计划(1) 在之前的半个月里,硝酸银和我共同参与了这项计划,目的是寻找全坐标范围内最多联的史莱姆区块。现在大部分工作已经结束了,得到了所有182个大于18联的坐标,全部列举如下。在下一篇专栏里我会详细解释这项计划的内容,以及一些得到的重要结论。 x=-8376032,z=6...
Chunk Configuration First, you should decide which chunks should be slime chunks, and which should not. Clicking on a chunk on the map once will mark it as a slime chunk (green color), twice a slime-free chunk (light red). Another click will reset the chunk to its default state (= ...
A Java program ran in Command Prompt that lets you find big chunks of slime chunks for making slime farms in Minecraft. minecraft slime slimechunk slimefarm Updated Jun 30, 2021 Java PancakeTAS / Slimechunk-Finder Sponsor Star 1 Code Issues Pull requests Program in various languages that...
求助,1.13.2如..求助,1.13.2如何找史莱姆区块Chunkbase上的slime finder只支持到1.12想做个史莱姆农场顶顶顶顶别沉啊顶
seed里面输入种子或者load from save来z载入存档或random随机生成种子,填完种子后按find slimes即可,下面是xy直接到达指定位置,save map 是保存地图,后面可以选客户端。
Slime Chunk Finder最新版截图 Have you spent hours, searching for those elusive slimes, yet have come up empty handed? Are you sick and tired of roaming the land of Minecraftia in search of that precious slimy resource?Are you ready to stand up, and take matters into your own hands!? Are...
废话不多说,上视屏: 视频来自:优酷史莱姆区块查询网页:http://chunkbase.com/apps/slime-finder 00:00· 播放0 分享21 minecraft吧 匿名专用号574 翻译帝进 E文刷怪规则:1) Difficulty does not affect spawn frequency.For reals. This has been verified in code. The spawning algorithm makes no check ...
Zoom in.The blue squares/blocks in the corners have their coordinates labelled.In your actual Minecraft game, use the labelled corners to map out the size of the chunk. Then dig down to level 40 (as Slimes only spawn below level 40, when your Y coordinate is less than 40) and dig ...